How can you avoid the most common mistakes students make at IELTS Intermediate? Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts at IELTS band 5, this book looks at real errors made by learners in the test and explains how to make sure you get it right.

Noun or adjective?
Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
1 I can’t tell the different between the fake designer goods and the real ones.
2 The advice my tutor gave me was unvaluable in the exam.
3 It is important to cat a health diet when you are studying or exercising hard.
4 In some countries, there are no women members of parliament.
5 I can’t study in silent; I need to have music in the background.
6 A child who is loved is a happiness child.
7 Both women and males need to be included in these decisions.
8 The landlord complained because we were making too much noisy.
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