The course is designed to teach you quickly and easily the language you need for success in IELTS and similar examinations and at university level study.

Beyond The Method.
There is a myriad of other games and activities that students can be enticed to play to reinforce their accumulated knowledge of lexis. At the same time as the 1001 academic words are worked at in the Method, a structural review can take place with the same principal of asking the student to think through the language and to dexterously and originally manipulate it. A variety of structures including passives, tenses, complex subjects and objects and conditionals should be taught productively. Complementary study should demand an active use of the language in the same way that this resource does.
The typical English learner may not be a great lover of English or of learning languages. In addition to acknowledging a student’s limitations and other aspirations besides learning English, we ought to give credit to the various qualities that many students wish to bring to their study of English. For example, students’ awareness of new language does not often result in immediate memorisation of it, but they are prepared to wait and look out for it and experience it again.
How the 1001 Superwords and phrases were selected.
Principles (for students).
The Method (for teachers).
How to use this resource.
Academic Word Test.
PART ONE (on the CD)
Learning the 1001 Superwords and phrases.
- a visual guide.
PART TWO (on the CD)
Paraphrasing sentences.
- a visual guide.
PART THREE (in this book)
Spoken Word Puzzles.
- instructions.
- suggested answers.
- Lesson 1.
- Lesson 2.
- Lesson 3.
- Lesson 4.
- Lesson 5.
- Lesson 6.
- Lesson 7.
- Lesson 8.
- Lesson 9.
- Lesson 10.
- Lesson 11.
- Lesson 12.
- Lesson 13.
- Lesson 14.
- Lesson 15.
- Lesson 16.
- Lesson 17.
- Lesson 18.
- Lesson 19.
- Lesson 20.
- Lesson 21.
- Lesson 22.
- Lesson 23.
- Lesson 24.
- Lesson 25.
Demonstration exercise corrections.
Academic Word Test - answers.
Adams & Austen Press Website.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Keith
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