Recycling Advanced English, Revised Edition, West C., 2002

Recycling Advanced English, Revised Edition, West C., 2002.
   Recycling Advanced English is for students at advanced level who wish to improve their general English and/or prepare for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or the revised Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). It can be used to supplement any coursebook at this level, and is suitable for use in the classroom, for homework, or (in the case of the With Key edition) for self-study.

Recycling Advanced English, Revised Edition, West C., 2002

Present tenses.
Match the different uses of the present simple with the categories in the study box above.
1 Local girl wins national contest
2 First you turn the dial, then you press the ignition switch ...
3 The hero meets a girl in a cafe, falls in love with her and ...
4 We usually take part in the general knowledge quiz on Fridays.
5 It appears that there was some mistake in the information we received.
6 The earth revolves around the sun.
7 Traffic flows much better outside rush hours.
8 If he saves up, he’ll soon be able to afford a new computer.
9 The great monastery library now belongs to the state.
10 When you hear the police siren, you slow down and pull in, to allow emergency vehicles to pass.
11 Fisherman finds treasure trove
12 Wood floats on water.
13 Now that he’s retired, he watches football every afternoon on satellite TV.
14 I understand that none of the children actually qualified for the award.
15 You separate the eggs, then whip the whites until they’re stiff.
16 If you cry wolf too often, people don’t pay attention when you really need help.

1. Articles and uncountables.
2. Present tenses.
3. Modal verbs.
4. The future.
5. Recycling.
6. Past tenses.
7. Gerund and infinitive.
8. Conditionals, wishes and regrets.
9. Passives.
10. Recycling.
11. Reported speech.
12. Linking words and discourse markers.
13. Relative clauses.
14. Adverbs.
15. Recycling.
16. Verb inversion.
17. Comparison and similarity.
18. Participles.
19. Adjectives.
20. Recycling.
21. Prepositions.
22. Difficult verbs.
23. Transformation.
24. Dependent prepositions.
25. Recycling.
26. Phrasal verbs with down.
27. Phrasal verbs with after, back and about.
28. Phrasal verbs with off.
29. Phrasal verbs with through, for and by.
30. Recycling.
31. Phrasal verbs with up.
32. Phrasal verbs with out.
33. Phrasal verbs with over, apart and with.
34. Phrasal verbs with on.
35. Recycling.
36. Phrasal verbs with away, across and around.
37. Phrasal verbs with in and into.
38. Three-part phrasal verbs.
39. Phrasal verbs as nouns.
40. Recycling.
41. E-mail and the internet.
42. The media and the arts.
43. Success and fame.
44. Animals and their rights.
45. Language.
46. Medicine and health.
47. Danger and risk.
48. The environment.
49. Right and wrong.
50. Money and finance.
51. Recycling.
52. UK government.
53. Conflict and revenge.
54. Technology and progress.
55. Work and study.
56. Different lifestyles.
57. Belief and superstition.
58. Time and memory.
59. Travelling and transport.
60. Books and reading.
61. Law and order.
62. Recycling.
63. Humour, puns and jokes.
64. Idioms.
65. Proverbs and similes.
66. Newspaper language.
67. Borrowed words.
68. Words with two or more meanings.
69. Confusing words.
70. Spelling and punctuation.
71. Recycling.
72. Collocations.
73. New language.
74. Plural and feminine forms.
75. Prefixes and suffixes.
76. False friends and word pairs.
77. Ways of walking, talking, looking and laughing.
78. Ways of holding and pulling. Words for light, water and fire.
79. Recycling.
80. Formal letters.
81. Informal letters.
82. Notes, messages and postcards.
83. Instructions and directions.
84. Articles, reports and proposals.
85. Descriptive and narrative writing.
86. Notices and leaflets.
87. Discursive essays.
88. Reviews and short stories.
89. Help with writing tasks.
90. Additional writing tasks.
APPENDIX of grammar and model writing tasks.
The Key begins on page 241 of the With Key edition.

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