In writing, or compiling, this book, I have again tried to include as many new selections as possible, if only to make it one of the most complete American works on the subject (15,000 entries and still counting). The fabulous Oxford English Dictionary, however, still far outdistances any contender in the field, covering some 600,000 words and phrases and taking a full 40 years to produce. No doubt those tenacious O.E.D. people will be doing the same thing again a century from now.

Abelia. A plant genus of the honeysuckle family that was named for British physician and plant collector Dr. Clarke Abel, including some 80 ornamental shrubs that are found across the Northern Hemisphere from eastern Asia to Mexico. Abelis schumannii is a species of Abelia named for Dr. Karl Schumann, a 19th-century German botanist, and is one of the many plants bearing both genus and species human family names.
Abe Lincoln bug. Anti-Lincoln feelings died hard in the South after the Civil War, as the name of this little bug shows. Even as late as 1901 this foul-smelling insect, also known as the harlequin cabbage bug, was commonly called the Abe-Lincoln bug in Georgia and other Southern states. See also LINCOLNDOM.
Preface to the Fourth Edition.
Preface to the Original Edition.
Abbreviations for the Most Frequently.
Cited Authorities.
Entries A-Z.
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