The DELTA Business Communication Skills series uses a learner-centred approach to develop key communication and language skills essential for today's international business environment. The series is designed for learners of business English at pre-intermediate and intermediate level, either pre-service or in-service, and it can be used either in the classroom or for self-study.
Business English Language Practice aims to support the other books in the series by developing grammar and vocabulary skills. It is split into two sections - Grammar and Vocabulary - each containing 12 units, which focus on the key areas covered in the rest of the series.

Present tenses.
Temporary / permanent situations.
Correct the errors in these sentences. Three of them do not contain errors.
Then decide whether each sentence describes: a temporary situations b facts I permanent situations
1 The company I work for produces electrical equipment.
2 I work in the finance department for a few days.
3 We recruit for a new Marketing Manager at the moment.
4 My colleague’s on leave, so I handle all his PR this week.
5 I’m helping out a colleague with this paperwork, as he’s overwhelmed!
6 The TVs in this shop don’t cost very much.
7 How many staff are you having?
8 I’m not belonging to any union.
Needs analysis.
Learning journal.
Grammar practice.
Present tenses.
Past tenses.
Will and going to.
-ing forms and infinitives.
Comparatives and superlatives.
Relative clauses.
Reported speech.
Vocabulary practice.
Companies and offices.
Human resources.
Meetings and conferences.
People and places.
Production and processes.
Projects and teams.
Sales and marketing.
Telephoning and e-mailing.
Grammar reference.
Present tenses.
Past tenses.
Will and going to.
-ing forms and infinitives.
Comparatives and superlatives.
Relative clauses.
Reported speech.
Vocabulary reference.
Companies and offices.
Human resources.
Meetings and conferences.
People and places.
Production and processes.
Projects and teams.
Sales and marketing.
Telephoning and e-mailing.
Answer key.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Low :: Pile
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