It aims to extend and improve the accuracy of your vocabulary and help you prepare for the IELTS test. It introduces vocabulary through listening and reading texts that reflect the materials used in the IELTS test. Learning new words in context can help you to remember them and also helps you to understand their meaning. This book also gives you opportunities to practise new words so that they can become part of your active vocabulary.

Listen again and decide which of the speakers (A-D) the sentences apply to.
1 The relationship between my brother and me is very close.
2 I have a lot more in common with my friends than with my family
3 I have established a close connection with an older member of my family.
4 The relationship between my parents and me has broken down
Read the text again and say whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Underline the part of the text that gave you your answer.
1 If young children have good friends then they will have a good relationship with their brother or sister
2 Parents help their children develop more social and emotional skills than friends do
3 Friends will give you what you want more often than your parents do
4 Teenagers who fight with their brothers or sisters may behave in a way that is socially unacceptable
5 If parents play with their children more then they will learn how to be more sociable.
Map of the book Introduction IELTS.
Test summary.
Unit 1. Growing up.
Unit 2. Mental and physical development.
Unit 3. Keeping fit.
Unit 4. Lifestyles.
Unit 5. Student life.
Test One.
Unit 6. Effective communication.
Unit 7. On the move.
Unit 8. Through the ages.
Unit 9. The natural world.
Unit 10. Reaching for the skies.
Test Two.
Unit 11. Design and innovation.
Unit 12. Information technology.
Unit 13. The modern world.
Unit 14. Urbanisation.
Unit 15. The green revolution.
Test Three.
Unit 16. The energy crisis.
Unit 17. Talking business.
Unit 18. The law.
Unit 19. The media.
Unit 20. The arts.
Test Four.
Unit 21. Language building 1.
Unit 22. Language building 2.
Unit 23. Academic Writing Task 1.
Unit 24. Academic Writing Task 2.
Unit 25. General Training Writing Tasks 1 and 2.
Test Five.
Answer key.
Recording scripts.
CD Tracklist.
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