With A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, we attempt i something much more ambitious: a culmination of our joint work, which results in a grammar that is considerably larger and richer than GCE and hence superordinate to it. Yet, as with our other volumes since GCE, it is also a grammar that incorporates our own further research on grammatical structure as well as the research of scholars world-wide who have contributed to the description of English and to developments in linguistic theory.

Relationships among variety types.
Varieties within each type of variation may be viewed in principle as independent from each other. Users of English may retain recognizable features of any regional variety in their use of a national standard; within that standard, they can discourse in English that is appropriate to their particular occupation or hobbies; they can handle these topics in English appropriate to either speech or writing; in either medium, they can adjust their discourse on any of the topics according to the respect, friendliness, or intimacy they feel for their hearers or readers. And all of this would apply equally if they are proficient in English as a foreign or second language and their use of English is affected by interference from their native tongue.
At the same time, the variation is to a large extent interdependent. We have drawn attention to several contingent constraints (for example, in 1.28), and we now consider the types of interdependence as they affect the varieties system as a whole.
Pronunciation table.
Abbreviations and symbols.
1 The English language.
2 A survey of English grammar.
3 Verbs and auxiliaries.
4 The semantics of the verb phrase.
5 Nounsand determiners.
6 Pronouns and numerals.
7 Adjectives and adverbs.
8 The semantics and grammar of adverbials.
9 Prepositions and prepositional phrases.
10 The simple sentence.
11 Sentence types and discourse functions.
12 Pro-forms and ellipsis.
13 Coordination.
14 The complex sentence.
15 Syntactic and semantic functions of subordinate clauses.
16 Complementation of verbs and adjectives.
17 The noun phrase.
18 Theme, focus, and information processing.
19 From sentence to text Appendix I Word-formation.
Appendix II Stress, rhythm, and intonation.
Appendix III Punctuation.
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