Fuzzy Grammar - A Reader - Aarts B., Denison D., Keizer E., Popova G.

Название: Fuzzy Grammar - A Reader.

Автор: Aarts B., Denison D., Keizer E., Popova G.


   The aim of this book is to bring together a number of classical and recent writings from philosophy and linguistics in the areas of vagueness and fuz/iness. We present a collection of carefully selected key texts which have influenced thinking in these domains. The introductory chapter contextualizes the passages within the field of linguistics, and assesses the impact they have made. It also discusses recent developments and future prospects.

Fuzzy Grammar - A Reader - Aarts B., Denison D., Keizer E., Popova G.

Introduction: The Nature of Grammatical Categories and their Representation
Part I    Philosophical Background
i     Categories Aristotle
2     Concepts Gottlob Frege
3     Vagueness Bertrand Russell
4     Family Resemblances Ludwig Wittgenstein
5     The Phenomena of Vagueness Rosanna Keefe
Part II    Categories in Cognition
6     The Boundaries of Words and their Meanings William Labov
7     Principles of Categorization Eleanor Rosch
8     Categorization, Fuzziness, and Family Resemblances Ray Jackendoff
9     Discreteness Ronald W. Langacker
10    The Importance of Categorization George Lakoff
Part III    Categories in Grammar
11     Parts of Speech Otto Jespersen
12     English Word Classes David Crystal
13     A Notional Approach to the Parts of Speech John Lyons
14     Syntactic Categories and Notional Features John M. Anderson
15     Bounded Regions Ronald W. Langacker
16     The Discourse Basis for Lexical Categories in Universal Grammar Paul J. Hopper and Sandra A. Thompson
17     Grammatical Categories John Taylor
Part IV    Gradience in Grammar
18     Gradience Dwight Bolinger
19     Degrees of Grammaticalness Noam Chomsky
20     Descriptive Statement and Serial Relationship Randolph Quirk
21     On the Analysis of Linguistic Vagueness Jifi V. Neustupny
22     Nouniness John Robert Ross
23     The Coordination-Subordination Gradient Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik
24     The Nature of Graded Judgments Carson T. Schiitze
Part V    Criticisms and Responses
25     Description of Language Design Martin Joos
26     'Prototypes Save' Anna Wierzbicka
27     Fuzziness and Categorization Denis Bouchard
28    The Discrete Nature of Syntactic Categories: Against a Prototype-based Account
Frederick J. Newmeyer
Subject Index Author Index Language Index

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