This reference book is intended as a practical guide to the use of prepositions and adverbial particles. Simple examples of usage are given throughout the book. Brief explanations accompany the examples wherever necessary, and grammatical rules are presented as clearly as possible. The book is divided into six chapters, and some classification of the complex question of usage is thereby attempted. The key words in the phrases (i.e. the verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs) are arranged in alphabetical order.

Common Prepositions.
A preposition is a word which shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word in the sentence. Prepositions are usually (but not always) placed before the noun or pronoun which they govern. This chapter deals mainly with common prepositions and contains simple instances of their use.
The following is a list of all the common prepositions; explanations (where necessary) and examples follow each preposition. The chief meanings of each preposition are given. Some of the explanations (e.g. under = lower than, vertically below, beneath) may at first appear to be interchangeable in one or more of the examples given. Further examination, however, will reveal that they are not interchangeable in every case.
In certain instances the gloss on a usage may prove more difficult for the student to understand than the usage itself. Such glosses have been kept to a minimum and are included in order to distinguish between — not to explain — the different meanings and usages of a preposition.
Chapter 1.
Common Prepositions.
Position of Prepositions and Adverbial Particles.
Colloquial and Slang.
Chapter 2.
Prepositional Phrases.
Chapter 3.
Nouns Preceded by Prepositions.
Chapter 4.
Phrasal Verbs.
Section I.
Section II.
Section III (Particles and Prepositions Following the Verb to be).
Chapter 5.
Verbs Followed by Prepositions.
Chapter 6.
Words (other than Verbs) Followed by Prepositions.
Prepositions and Particles at the End of Sentences.
Prepositional Phrases.
Prepositions Denoting Time.
Prepositions Denoting Direction.
Particles Following "All”.
Idiomatic Phrases Formed from Two Particles or Adverbs.
Adverbial Particles Preceding Verbs.
Prepositions and Particles in Compound Words.
Compound Words Consisting of Nouns or Adjectives + Particles.
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