словарь по английскому языку

The Facts On File Dictionary of Allusions, Manser M.H., 2009

The Facts On File Dictionary of Allusions, Manser M.H., 2009.

   The Facts On File Dictionary of Allusions builds on the earlier volume of the Facts On File Dictionary of Classical and Biblical Allusions, doubling the content to provide a comprehensive reference to allusions in the En glish language. Entries have been selected not simply because they are wellknown events, places, people, phenomena, etc., but also because they have generally acquired some wider linguistic signifi cance, conveying a par tic u lar message beyond a mere reference. This method of selection distinguishes this volume from other references on the same subject, including other dictionaries of allusions as well as more expansive (but less focused) works such as Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.
Allusions in this volume are drawn from a wide range of sources, including Shakespeare and the Bible; Greek, Roman, Norse, and other types of mythology; literary texts from all ages; historical events; and pop u lar culture, including fi lm and tele vi sion.

The Facts On File Dictionary of Allusions, Manser M.H., 2009
Скачать и читать The Facts On File Dictionary of Allusions, Manser M.H., 2009

The American Heritage, Dictionary of Idioms, Ammer C., 1997

The American Heritage, Dictionary of Idioms, Ammer C., 1997.

  This book is a comprehensive survey of the idioms currently used in American English. An idiom is a set phrase of two or more words that means something different from the literal meaning of the individual words. For instance, the phrase to change one's tune has nothing to do with music but means "to alter one's attitude." Similarly, to hit the nail on the head often has nothing to do with carpentry but means simply "to be absolutely right." Idioms are the idiosyncrasies of a language. Often defying the rules of logic, they pose great difficulties for non-native speakers. English abounds with phrases such as if worst comes to worst, far and away, and how do you do, which, if translated literally, make no sense. Indeed, the true test of an idiom is whether it changes meaning when rendered word for word in another language.

The American Heritage, Dictionary of Idioms, Ammer C., 1997
Скачать и читать The American Heritage, Dictionary of Idioms, Ammer C., 1997

Webster s New Dictionary of Synonyms, 1984

Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms, 1984.
WEBSTER'S NEW DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS is newly edited and entirely reset but based upon Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms, which rapidly became a favorite book among readers and writers who wish to understand, appreciate, and make nice discriminations in English words that are similar in meaning. The earlier book filled a widespread need for a work devoted to synonymy with accessory material in the form of word lists of various kinds. The editors of this new and revised edition have rewritten and sharpened the discriminations, have increased the number of articles, and have more than doubled the number of authors quoted. Particular attention has been given to updating the quotations so that they accurately reflect today's English.

Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms, 1984
Скачать и читать Webster s New Dictionary of Synonyms, 1984

The Penguin dictionary of American English usage and style, Lovinger P.W., 2002

The Penguin dictionary of American English usage and style, Lovinger P.W., 2002.

   The volume in your hands is meant to be both useful and enjoyable, a readable dictionary for all who are interested in our language.
In A-to-Z form, it is mainly a guide to good usage of English, the American variety, contrasted with some 2,000 quoted examples of misusage and questionable usage. It does the job of “illuminating many traps and pitfalls in English usage” (as my editor puts it). I have sought to provide clear explanations in plain language. This book is designed for general readers as well as those who work with words.

The Penguin dictionary of American English usage and style, Lovinger P.W., 2002
Скачать и читать The Penguin dictionary of American English usage and style, Lovinger P.W., 2002

Pocket Visual Dictionary, 2017

Pocket Visual Dictionary, 2017.

   THE VISUAL DICTIONARY is a completely new kind of reference book. It provides a link between pictures and words in a way that no ordinary dictionary ever has. Most dictionaries simply tell you what a word means, but the VISUAL DICTIONARY shows you – through a combination of detailed annotations, explicit photographs, and illustrations. In the VISUAL DICTIONARY, pictures define the annotations around them. You do not read definitions of the annotated words, you see them. The highly accessible format of the VISUAL DICTIONARY, the thoroughness of its annotations, and the range of its subject matter make it a unique and helpful reference tool.

Pocket Visual Dictionary, 2017
Скачать и читать Pocket Visual Dictionary, 2017

A Dictionary of Confusable Phrases, More Than 10 000 Idioms and Collocations, Dolgopolov Y., 2010

A Dictionary of Confusable Phrases, More Than 10 000 Idioms and Collocations, Dolgopolov Y., 2010.
   This dictionary has been specifically designed to “diffuse” potentially confusable expressions. The dictionary pairs more than 10,000 idioms and collocations characterized by similarity or contrast in their wording or metaphorical idea that do not show corresponding similarity or contrast in their meanings. Also included are cases when phraseological units form a semantic mismatch with consonant compound words. This contrastive format enables the language learner to see all potentially confusable units together and so avoid confusing the phrase.

A Dictionary of Confusable Phrases, More Than 10 000 Idioms and Collocations, Dolgopolov Y., 2010
Скачать и читать A Dictionary of Confusable Phrases, More Than 10 000 Idioms and Collocations, Dolgopolov Y., 2010

Словарь именных идиом, Шитова Л.Ф., 2013

Словарь именных идиом, Шитова Л.Ф., 2013.

   Последняя из тематического цикла книга идиом, содержащая на сей раз имена собственные, заимствованные из Библии, мифологии, истории, литературы и реальной жизни. Богатый справочный материал, сопровождающий устойчивые выражения, призван удовлетворить читательский интерес и помочь активному использованию идиом в речи.

Словарь именных идиом, Шитова Л.Ф., 2013
Скачать и читать Словарь именных идиом, Шитова Л.Ф., 2013

Русско-английский тематический словарь, 9000 слов, Кириллическая транслитерация, 2013

Русско-английский тематический словарь, 9000 слов, Кириллическая транслитерация, 2013.

   Данная книга содержит более 9000 наиболее употребительных слов, организованных по тематическому принципу. 257 тем словаря охватывают основные сферы повседневной деятельности человека, бизнеса, науки, культуры.
Словарь предназначен для активной работы со словарным запасом, для расширения и систематизации знаний иностранной лексики. Издание будет полезно как при самостоятельном изучении языка, так и в качестве дополнительного пособия к основному курсу.
Пособие снабжено удобной кириллической транслитерацией, которая предназначена для использования в случае сомнений в произношении того или иного слова.

Русско-английский тематический словарь, 9000 слов, Кириллическая транслитерация, 2013
Скачать и читать Русско-английский тематический словарь, 9000 слов, Кириллическая транслитерация, 2013
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