We will mostly focus on the specifics of using TypeScript with React and some other popular technologies.
The instructions we give in this book are very detailed, so if you lack some of the listed skills, you can still follow along with the tutorials and be just fine.

Why Use Automatic App Generators?
Usually, when you create a React application, you need to create a bunch of boilerplate files.
First, you will need to set up a transpiler. React uses jsx syntax to describe the layout, and also you’ll probably want to use the modern JavaScript features. To do this we’ll have to install and set up Babel. It will transform our code to normal JavaScript that current and older browsers can support.
You will need a bundler. You will have plenty of different files: your components code, styles, maybe images and fonts. To bundle them together into small packages you’ll have to set up Webpack or Parcel.
How To Get The Most Out Of This Book.
What is TypeScript.
Why Use TypeScript With React.
A Necessary Word Of Caution.
Your First React and TypeScript Application: Building Trello with Drag and Drop.
How to Test Your Applications: Testing a Digital Goods Store.
Patterns in React TypeScript Applications: Making Music with React.
Using Redux and TypeScript.
Static Site Generation and Server-Side Rendering Using Next.js.
GraphQL, React, and TypeScript.
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Скачать книгу Fullstack React with TypeScript, Learn Pro Patterns for Hooks, Testing, Redux, SSR, and GraphQL, Ivanov M., Bespoyasov A., 2020 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.
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Теги: учебник по программированию :: программирование :: Ivanov :: Bespoyasov
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