Пособие предназначено для студентов и аспирантов факультетов иностранных языков и филологических факультетов университетов, для преподавателей, а также для лиц, изучающих английский язык самостоятельно и желающих совершенствовать свои знания.
Цель пособия — наиболее полное описание употребления неличных форм глагола. Именно этот раздел английской грамматики исключительно важен как для практического овладения разговорным языком, так и для понимания литературы.
После правил приводятся примеры, заимствованные из современной английской и американской литературы.

The participle, as has been said, differs considerably from the finite forms as well as from the infinitive and the ing-form. On the one hand, its verbal nature is less prominent as compared to the two other verbals and this is the cause of some limitations in its use. On the other hand, it has certain peculiarities of its own which make its application still more restricted.
The participle is, in the main, formed only from transitive verbs and has passive meaning.
e.g. People near him, hypnotized into agreeing, were sagely nodding their heads.
I had suits and coats and shirts made to order.
It was a question put down by one of the members.
Yet we find also participles with active meaning, formed from intransitive verbs. Although the number of such verbs is limited, these participles present considerable interest. Some of these participles are formed from verbs which have only intransitive meaning.
The Independent Infinitive.
The Infinitive as Subject.
The Infinitive as Predicative.
The Infinitive as Parenthesis.
The Infinitive as Predicate.
The Dependent Infinitive.
The Infinitive as Verb Adjunct.
The Infinitive as Close Verb Adjunct.
The Infinitive as Close Adjunct to an Active Verb.
The Infinitive as Close Adjunct to a Passive Verb.
The Infinitive as Close Complex Adjunct to an Active Verb.
The Infinitive as Close Prepositional Complex Adjunct to an Active Verb.
The Infinitive as Close Wh-Adjunct to an Active Verb.
The Infinitive as Close Verb Adjunct in a Sentence with a Formal It as its Subject.
The Infinitive as Loose Verb Adjunct.
The Infinitive as Loose Verb Adjunct of Purpose.
The Infinitive as Loose Veib Adjunct of Subsequent Action.
The Infinitive as Loose Verb Adjunct of Potential Action.
The Infinitive as Loose Verb Adjunct of Comparison.
The Infinitive as Loose Verb Adjunct of Condition.
The Infinitive as Loose Verb Adjunct of Exception.
The Infinitive in Absolute Constructions.
The Infinitive as Noun Adjunct.
The Infinitive as Close Noun Adjunct Irrespective of the Sentence Pattern.
The Infinitive as Close Noun Adjunct in Certain Sentence Patterns.
The Infinitive as Close Noun Adjunct in a Sentence with a Formal It as its Subject or as an Object to a Transitive Verb.
The Infinitive as Adjective Adjunct.
The Infinitive as Close Adjective Adjunct Irrespective of the Sentence Pattern.
The Infinitive as Close Adjunct to an Adjective Modified by Enough.
The Infinitive as Close Adjunct to an Adjective Modified by the Correlatives So. As.
The Infinitive as Close Adjunct to an Adjective Modified by Too.
The Infinitive as Close Adjective Adjunct in a Sentence with a Formal It as its Subject.
The Infinitive as Close Adjective Adjunct in a Sentence with a Formal It as Object.
The Independent Ing-Form.
The Ing-Form as Subject.
The Ing-Form as Predicative.
The Ing-Form as Parenthesis.
The Ing-Form as Predicate.
The Dependent Ing-Form.
The Ing-Form as Verb Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Close Verb Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Close Adjunct to an Active Verb.
The Ing-Form as Close Adjunct to a Passive Verb.
The Ing-Form as Close Complex Adjunct to an Active Verb.
The Ing-Form as Close Prepositional Verb Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Close Verb Adjunct in a Sentence with a Formal It as its Subject.
The Ing-Form as Loose Verb Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Non-Prepositional Loose Verb Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Prepositional Loose Verb Adjunct.
The Ing-Form in Absolute Constructions, Non-Prepositional and Prepositional.
The Ing-Form as Noun Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Close Noun Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Non-Prepositional Close Noun Adjunct in Preposition.
The Ing-Form as Non-Prepositionai Close Noun Adjunct in Postposition.
The Ing-Form as Non-Prepositional Close Noun Adjunct in a Sentence with a Formal It as its Subject.
The Ing-Form as Prepositional Close Noun Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Loose Noun Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Adjective Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Non-Prepositional Close Adjective Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Prepositional Close Adjective Adjunct.
The Ing-Form as Close Adjective Adjunct in a Sentence with a Formal It as its Subject.
The Independent Participle.
The Participle as Predicative.
The Dependent Participle.
The Participle as Verb Adjunct.
The Participle as Close Verb Adjunct.
The Participle as Close Adjunct to an Active Verb.
The Participle as Close Adjunct to a Passive Verb.
The Participle as Close Complex Adjunct to an Active Verb.
The Participle as Loose Verb Adjunct.
The Participle as Loose Verb Adjunct Preceded by Conjunctions.
The Participle in Absolute Constructions.
The Participle as Noun Adjunct.
The Participle as Close Noun Adjunct.
The Participle as Close Noun Adjunct in Preposition.
The Participle as Close Noun Adjunct in Postposition.
The Participle as Loose Noun Adjunct.
The Participle as Loose Noun Adjunct in Postposition to its Head-Noun.
The Participle as Loose Noun Adjunct Placed at the Head or at the End of the Sentence.
The Independent Infinitive and the Ing-Form.
The Dependent Infinitive and the Ing-Form.
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