Данное пособие, как учебный материал, рассчитано для работы со студентами старших курсов языковых вузов, слушателями курсов повышения квалификации преподавателей иностранных языков, высших педагогических курсов и с аспирантами. Выборочно им также можно пользоваться при работе со студентами младших курсов языковых вузов.
Пособие может также служить в качестве справочного материала для учителей средней школы и всех изучающих английский язык или работающих с ним.

The group includes the nouns: breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper and tea.
1) In the overwhelming majority of cases names of meals are used without any article. The absence of the article has the nominating function:
e. g. Lunch is ready and we can go in.
Dinner was at an end.
I was having tea with her.
He came in when we were eating breakfast.
We finished dinner and went to the drawing-room to have our coffee.
John came to lunch at the appointed time.
They met for dinner.
"Stay to tea," said Mrs. Watson.
We were talking about it before dinner.
His eyes still bored into me as they had done at tea.
I. Introduction.
II. The Use of Articles with Countable Nouns.
1. General Rules of the Use of Articles with Countable Nouns.
2. Certain Peculiarities in the Use of the Definite Article with Countable Nouns.
3. The Generic Function of the Definite Article.
4. The Use of Articles with Countable Nouns in some Syntactic Relations.
III. The Use of Articles with Uncountable Nouns.
1. The Use of Articles with Uncountable Abstract Nouns.
2. The Use of Articles with Uncountable Concrete Nouns (Names of Materials).
IV. The Use of Articles with some Semantic Groups of Nouns
1. Names of Parts of the Day.
2. Names of Seasons.
3. Names of Meals.
4. Certain Countable Nouns in their Phraseological Use.
V. The Use of Articles with Nouns denoting Objects or Notions which are considered to be Unique.
VI. The Use of Articles with Proper Names.
1. The Use of Articles with Names of Persons.
2. The Use of Articles with Geographic Names.
3. The Use of Articles with Miscellaneous Proper Names.
VII. The Place of Articles.
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