The ultimate goal of Computational Linguistics is to teach the computer to understand Natural Language. This research monograph presents a description of English according to algorithms which can be programmed into a computer to analyse natural language texts. The algorithmic approach uses series of instructions, written in Natural Language and organised in flow charts, with the aim of analysing certain aspects of the grammar of a sentence. One problem with text processing is the difficulty in distinguishing word forms that belong to parts of speech taken out of context. In order to solve this problem, Hristo Georgiev starts with the assumption that every word is either a verb or a non-verb. From here he presents an algorithm which allows the computer to recognise parts of speech which to a human would be obvious though the meaning of the words. Emphasis for a computer is placed on verbs, nouns, participles and adjectives. English Algorithmic Grammar presents information for computers to recognise tenses, syntax, parsing, reference, and clauses. The final chapters of the book examine the further applications of an algorithmic approach to English grammar, and suggests ways in which the computer can be programmed to recognise meaning. This is an innovative, cutting-edge approach to computational linguistics that will be essential reading for academics researching computational linguistics, machine translation and natural language processing.

Algorithmic recognition of the Verb.
In the present study an attempt is made to describe the Verb in the English sentence formally for the computer, by means of flow charts. The flow charts тare procedures for text analysis. These procedures are based on the formal grammatical and syntactical features called 'markers' present in the text. The procedures, in the form of instructions (in English), show how to
disambiguate those wordforms which potentially belong to more than one Part of Speech, one of which is a Verb. The implementation of the present algorithmic description will help improve the quality of Machine translation тwhere English is the input language.
Part One.
1.Algorithmic recognition of the Verb.
2.Division of the sentence into phrases.
3.Algorithmic recognition of Parts of Speech.
4.Algorithmic recognition of the Tenses.
Part Two.
5.Syntactical structure of the sentence.
6.Composition of the segments.
7.Parsing algorithm.
8.Links of predicates and incomplete segments.
10.Recognition of the Independent and Dependent Clauses.
11.Further applications.
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Теги: Georgiev :: книги по английскому языку :: английский язык :: книги на английском языке :: программирование
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