Фрагмент из книги.
The front tyre of John’s bicycle is flat. John has a puncture. John has not much money, so he does not want to take his bicycle to a bicycle repair shop. He is going to repair the puncture himself. He has taken the narrow little box from the tool bag at the back of the saddle. He is now going to start work. First he must get the inner tube out.

John’s wife is called Mary. Both John and Mary are fond of soup. So Mary is going to make some soup for their supper. Mary is a good cook, so before she starts work she always gets together everything she will want. She has everything ready on her kitchen table now. She has four onions, half an ounce of fat, salt, and pepper. The soup will be onion soup.
What is Mary doing now? She is cutting up the onions. She is cutting them into thin slices. When she has sliced the onions, she will put the fat into a pan, put the pan on the gas-stove, and light the gas. When the fat has melted, she will put the onions into the pan. She will cook the onions gently for about fifteen minutes. She does not want the onions to stick to the pan, so from time to time she will shake the pan.
Reading-text one.
For study.
Reading-text two: Any Questions?.
For study.
Reading-text three: From the Newspapers.
For study.
Reading-text four: English Through Pictures.
For study.
Reading-text five: Abut Qasim el-Tamburt.
For study.
Reading-text six: A Discussion.
For study.
Reading-text seven: Summer Holidays in England.
For study.
Reading-text eight: Twenty Questions.
For study.
Reading-text eight: Twenty Questions.
For study
Reading-text NINE: Oil.
For study.
Reading-text ten: Christmas Presents.
For study.
Reading-text ELEVEN: Insurance.
For study.
Reading-text twelve: Spending our Money.
For study.
Reading-text thirteen: In the Office.
For study.
Reading-text fourteen: A Serious Conversation.
For study.
Reading-text fifteen: Any Problems?.
For study.
Reading-text sixteen: Our Village.
For study.
Reading-text seventeen: British Trade Unions.
For study.
Reading-text eighteen: More from the Newspapers.
For study.
Reading-text nineteen: Conversations in the Wells Family.
For study.
Reading-text twenty: Tout Visit to England.
Three Limericks.
For study.
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