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The tubular lock, in the form of the regular 7 pin version, has been around for many years; having been invented in the mid-30's. It was so named, “tubular”, because of its key being a tube with the tumbler cuts cut around it. The tumblers in the lock mechanism are parallel to the axis and located radially around it. Its high security is basically because of its relocking every 45 degrees of rotation. In a cam type lock, you would have to pick it 4 times to effect 180 degrees of rotation to open the lock. This feature becomes even a greater security factor in the stud type lock that must be rotated as many as 8 to 12 times to open. This type of tubular lock has found great usage on vending machines and coin changers.

Although many have written on this subject, almost all have made an easy job seem difficult. Most difficulty conies from the lack of a good way to hold the mechanism while working on it. Anyone who has had the lock seemingly “explode” in his hand, with pins and springs flying in all directions, can appreciate this problem. Many locksmiths have devised their own means of holding the lock and some have even offered them for sale to others. One such tool is the “Third Hand” which is shown in the pictures in this manual. If you plan to do very much re-keying, such a tool is a good investment. This tool is available from: All-Over Lock & Safe, 14922 East Pacific Ave., Baldwin Park. CA Zip code 91706.
1'he second thing you will need is a supply of parts for re-keying and repairing. Two very handy kits are put together by the Zipf Lock Co. and sold by them and other suppliers. They are called Ace service kits ASK-25 and ASK-30. The ASK-25 contains bushings, outer cases, couplers, cams, retainers, and bolts while the ASK-30 contains pins, cut keys and follower tool.
Tubular Locks.
Re-Keying the 7 Pin Tubular Lock.
Picking the 7 Pin Tubular Lock.
Opening by Drilling.
Make Shift Tubular Key.
The Van Lock.
Re-Setting Nix-Pix Locks & Keys.
Supplementary Instructions for
Removing Nix-Pix Cylinders.
Picking the Nix-Pix Lock.
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