From the Publisher: This book is for people who need to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs), both initial value problems (IVPs) and boundary value problems (BVPs) as well as delay differential equations (DDEs). These topics are usually taught in separate courses of length one semester each, but solving ODEs with Matlab provides a sound treatment of all three in about 250 pages. The chapters on each of these topics begin with a discussion of "the facts of life" for the problem, mainly by means of examples. Numerical methods for the problem are then developed - but only the methods most widely used. Although the treatment of each method is brief and technical issues are minimized, the issues important in practice and for understanding the codes are discussed. Often solving a real problem is much more than just learning how to call a code. The last part of each chapter is a tutorial that shows how to solve problems by means of small but realistic examples.

Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are used throughout engineering, mathematics, and science to describe how physical quantities change, so an introductory course on elementary ODEs and their solutions is a standard part of the curriculum in these fields. Such a course provides insight, but the solution techniques discussed are generally unable to deal with the large, complicated, and nonlinear systems of equations seen in practice. This book is about solving ODEs numerically. Each of the authors has decades of experience in both industry and academia helping people like yourself solve problems. We begin in this chapter with a discussion of what is meant by a numerical solution with standard methods and, in particular, of what you can reasonably expect of standard software. In the chapters that follow, we discuss briefly the most popular methods for important classes of ODE problems. Examples are used throughout to show how to solve realistic problems.
1.Getting Started.
2.Initial Value Problem.
3.Boundary Value Problems.
4.Delay Differential Equations.
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Теги: Shampine :: Thompson :: Gladwell :: книги по математике :: математика :: книги на английском языке
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