Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Brown H.D., 2007

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Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Brown H.D., 2007.

   Since its first publication in 1980, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, here in its fifth edition, has served a number of purposes for many audiences around the world. For graduates or advanced undergraduates in languageteacher education programs, it is a textbook on the theoretical foundations of language teaching, a survey of what research has revealed about how human beings acquire a second language. For a surprising number of people it has become a book that Master's degree candidates pore over in preparation for the SLA section of their comprehensive examinations or for references for their thesis research. For experienced teachers, it has become a handbook that provides an overview of current issues in the field with an index and bibliographic entries to aid in that overview.

Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Brown H.D., 2007

A survey of research and theoretical trends in SLA remains abstract and unfocused without its application to the practical concerns of pedagogy' in the classroom. Besides, most readers of this book are ultimately interested in language pedagogy in one form or another, and so in an attempt to help to build bridges between theory and practice, I will offer occasional relevant historical commentaries on language teaching, and link those descriptions to topics and issues being treated. In so doing, I hope to acquaint you progressively with some of the major methodological trends and issues on the pedagogical side of the profession.

So far in this chapter, the focus has been on research over the past century or so of linguistics and psychology, and in the last section of this chapter, I will draw your attention to pedagogical trends and issues in the twentieth century. What do we know about language teaching in the two or three millennia prior? The answer is: not very much.

Preface to the Fifth Edition.
Chapter 1 Language, Learning, and Teaching.
Chapter 2 First Language Acquisition.
Chapter 3 Age and Acquisition.
Chapter 4 Human Learning.
Chapter 5 Styles and Strategies.
Chapter 6 Personality Factors.
Chapter 7 Sociocultural Factors.
Chapter 8 Communicative Competence.
Chapter 9 Cross-Linguistic Influence and Learner Language.
Chapter 10 Toward a Theory of Second Language Acquisition.
Topics and Questions for Study and Discussion.
Suggested Readings.
Language Learning Experience. Finaljournal Entry.

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