Английский язык, Книга для чтения, 9 класс, Богородицкая В.Н., Трусова В.Р., 1991

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Английский язык, Книга для чтения, 9 класс, Богородицкая В.Н., Трусова В.Р., 1991.

   Книга для чтения является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для IX класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. В книгу включены рассказы современных английских и американских писателей. Незнакомые слова и словосочетания объяснены в сносках, в конце книги дан англо-русский словарь.

Английский язык, Книга для чтения, 9 класс, Богородицкая В.Н., Трусова В.Р., 1991

Gilda could not remember at all clearly what it was like to live in a house. Her parents had brought her to Australia when she was six and now she was thirteen and a half. At first they had spent nine or ten months in a reception center and she vaguely remembered that as being rather unpleasant. They had lived in two small rooms in a long corrugated building: Gilda could remember hearing the babies of the other families crying at night. She had cried herself sometimes.

Since then they had always lived in a tent. Her father travelled around working at different kinds of jobs; seasonal work they called it. Just now he was at the canning factory putting peaches in cans. But once all the peaches at that place had been picked and canned there would be no more work in Shepparton and they would move on somewhere else.

When her father came back from work they all spoke Dutch5 together. Gilda didn’t really care for this because she found English much easier to speak and often forgot the Dutch word for something, or else made mistakes and was corrected by her parents. They never corrected her English because she spoke it better than they did.

UNIT 1. The House at 12 Rose Street. Part I.
The House at 12 Rose Street. Paгt  II.
The House at 12 Rose Street. Pагt  III.
UNIT 2. Gilda. Part I.
Gilda. Part II.
UNIT 3. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Part I.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Part II.
UNIT 4. Twopence to Cross the Mersey.
UNIT 5. Henry Reed’s Journey.
UNIT 6. The Summer of the Falcon. Part I.
The Summer of the Falcon. Part II.
UNIT 7. Heavenly Host. Part I.
Heavenly Host. Part II.
UNIT 8. The Unicorn Stone. Part I.
The Unicorn Stone. Part II.
UNIT 9. The Tree in the Meadow.
Terrafied. Part I.
Terrafied. Part II.
Looking Back.
Supplementary Reading. The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse.
Enemy Territory.
Who’s Who.

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