This book is for anyone preparing for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or Certificate of Proficiency in English (Proficiency/CPE) exams and covers the grammar needed for these exams. You can use it to support a CAE or Proficiency coursebook, for extra grammar practice on a general English language course, or with practice tests as part of a revision programme. You can use in it class or for selfstudy.

The purpose of memory.
As Matthew Wilson, of the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory in Cambridge, Massachusetts observes, memory is like everything else in biology. It has evolved to serve a purpose and is honed for that purpose, which in this case is to react appropriately to the stimuli an animal meets in the environment by drawing on the experience of previous encounters. That is emphatically not the same as having a perfect memory for each of those encounters. Instead, memory should generalise from similar experiences and disregard the individual details.
And indeed that is most people’s everyday experience. The elderly are notorious for remembering every detail of their childhood but being unable to recall what they did last week. Such inability to remember details is often regarded as a failing, whereas so-called eidetic (or photographic) memory is often admired by outsiders.
1 Tenses.
2 The future.
3 Modals 1.
4 Modals 2.
5 Nouns, agreement and articles.
6 Determiners and quantifiers.
7 Adverbs and adjectives.
8 Comparison.
9 Verb patterns 1.
10 Verb patterns 2.
11 Relative clauses 1.
12 Relative clauses 2.
13 Adverbial clauses.
14 Conditionals.
15 Participle, to-infinitive and reduced clauses.
16 Noun clauses.
17 Conjunctions and connectors.
18 The passive.
19 Reporting.
20 Substitution and ellipsis.
21 Word order and emphasis.
22 Nominallsation.
23 It and there.
24 Complex prepositions and prepositions after verbs.
25 Prepositions after nouns and adjectives.
Recording scripts.
CD tracklist.
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