Authoritative and reliable, this superb reference contains more than 3,000 alphabetically arranged entries, providing clear jargon-free definitions of even the most technical mathematical terms. Ranging widely from Achilles paradox to zero matrix, the dictionary uses graphs, diagrams, and charts to render definitions as comprehensible as possible, offering an ideal introduction to subjects such linear algebra, optimization, nonlinear equations, and differential equations. The Dictionary covers both pure and applied mathematics as well as statistics, and there are entries on major mathematicians and on mathematics of more general interest, such as fractals, game theory, and chaos. The volume also contains valuable appendices of useful and relevant extra information, including lists of Nobel Prize winners and Fields medalists and lists of formulae. Fully revised and updated, this edition features many entry-level web links, which are accessible and continually updated via the Dictionary of Mathematics companion website, making the book indispensable for students and teachers of mathematics and for anyone encountering mathematics in the workplace.

Abel, Niels Henrik (1802–29).
Norwegian mathematician who, at the age of 19, proved that the general equation of degree greater than 4 cannot be solved algebraically. In other words, there can be no formula for the roots of such an equation similar to the familiar formula for a quadratic equation. He was also responsible for fundamental developments in the theory of algebraic functions. He died in some poverty at the age of 26, just a few days before he would have received a letter announcing his appointment to a professorship in Berlin.
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Теги: Clapham :: Nicholson :: справочник по математике :: математика :: книги на английском языке :: английский язык
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- Справочная математическая библиотека, Функциональный анализ, Крейн С.Г., Виленкин Н.Я., 1964
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