Английский язык, 9 класс, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2007.
We live in the 21st century in a fast changing world, the world of new ideas and new technologies, but we shouldn't forget that our present life has been prepared by everything that has happened on our planet so far.
The long history of mankind is not a set of books on your bookshelf or a string of half-remembered events of the past. Our history is what we are now. It explains things to us and warns us about the future because — as the saying goes — history repeats itself.
Every minute of our life is history in the making. Today's events can soon enter history books. You can say every person lives in the past, present and future.

The Cunning Celts.
Once the new visitors began to settle in, life went quite smoothly until England was invaded properly for the first time by the Celts. They came here in 650 BC from Central Europe apparently looking for tin — please don’t ask me why! The Celts were tall, blond and blue-eyed and so got all the best girls right away. This, of course, annoyed the poor Britons even more, but there was not much they could do about it as they only had sticks and fists to fight with. The Celts set up home in the south of England building flash wooden forts which the poor boneheaded locals could only mill around in awe and envy.
Now England wasn’t too bad a place to live for the next few hundred years (if you were tall, blue-eyed and blond). Then in 55 BC the late great Julius Caesar — star of stage and screen — arrived with a couple of legions from Rome, Italy. The refined Romans were repelled, in more ways than one, by the crude Celts. They did, however, come back a year later with a much bigger, better-equipped army — and guess what — were repelled again.
UNIT ONE. Pages of History: Linking Past and Present.
Listening Comprehension.
Use of English.
Grammar Section.
I. English Tenses: Present Simple and Present Progressive.
II. English Articles: Articles with Nouns in the Function of Apposition.
III. English Function Words: Function Wards Expressing Time.
Vocabulary Section.
Reading for Discussion: “The Creations of Mankind”.
Discussing the Text.
Discussing the Topic.
Useful Tips for English Learners: Numbers.
Writing: Form Filling.
Project Work.
UNIT TWO. People Mid Society.
Listening Comprehension.
Use of English.
Grammar Section.
I. English Tenses: Present Progressive, Past Progressive, Past Simple.
II. English Articles: Articles with Names of Persons.
III. English Function Words: Function Words of Place. As versus Like.
Vocabulary Section.
Reading for Discussion: “The Cold War and Beyond”.
Discussing the Text.
Discussing the Topic.
Useful Tips for English Learners: Avoiding Offence: Topic 1. Gender.
Writing: Writing a Personal Letter.
Project Work.
UNIT THREE. You Are Only a Teenager Once.
Listening Comprehension.
Use of English.
Grammar Section.
I. English Tenses: Past Perfect.
II. English Articles: Articles with Countable and Uncountable Nouns.
III. English Function Words: Prepositions Used with Nouns.
Vocabulary Section.
Reading for Discussion: “Youth Movements”.
Discussing the Text.
Discussing the Topic.
Useful Tips for English Learners: Avoiding Offence: Topic II. Racial and Ethnic Groups.
Writing: Writing a Personal Letter (continued).
Project Work.
UNIT FOUR. Family Matters.
Listening Comprehension.
Use of English.
Grammar Section.
I. English Tenses: The Passive Voice. Perfect and Progressive Infinitives in Passive Structures.
II. English Articles:. Articles with Geographical and Place Names. Articles in Some Prepositional Phrases.
III. English Function Words: Prepositions Used with Verbs.
Vocabulary Section.
Reading for Discussion: About Victorian Family Life.
Discussing the Text.
Discussing the Topic.
Useful Tips for English Learners: Avoiding Offence: Topic III. Illnesses and Disability.
Writing: Writing a Personal Letter (continued).
Project Work.
English-Russian Vocabulary.
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