Complete French Grammar, Heminway A., 2016

Complete French Grammar, Heminway A., 2016.

   Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French Grammar is designed as a review and study tool for the advanced beginner and intermediate student of French. The grammar explanations given in each unit include comparisons that provide ample practice of the material along with appropriate, useful vocabulary. Instructions for each exercise are given in French, enabling the student to anticipate the task that follows while, at the same time, practicing vocabulary in context. The variety of exercises makes them suitable for a range of different learning styles; openended exercises are included to encourage creative answers and to increase confidence in using French for normal everyday communication.

Complete French Grammar, Heminway A., 2016

The present tense of regular -er verbs.
Répondre aux questions en utilisant le présent et depuis.
1. Depuis combien de temps chante-t-elle dans cette chorale? (trois ans)
2. Depuis combien de temps partages-tu cet appartement? (six mois)
3. Depuis combien de temps nage-t-il dans cette piscine? (un mois)
4. Depuis quand habitez-vous à Montpellier? (2004)
5. Depuis combien de temps possède-t-il cette propriété? (dix ans)
6. Depuis combien de temps regardez-vous cette émission? (des années)
7. Depuis quand travaille-t-il dans cette entreprise? (2002)
8. Depuis combien de temps portez-vous des lunettes? (dix ans)
9. Depuis quand est-il président? (2005)
10. Depuis combien de temps ce magasin est-il fermé? (deux mois).

Traduire les phrases suivantes en utilisant vous et l’inversion si nécessaire.
1. I study French.
2. I spell my name.
3. They are moving tomorrow.
4. She likes to travel by boat.
5. How long have you been studying French?
6. You repeat the sentence. (informal)
7. We are fi nancing the project.
8. She cancels the meeting.
9. How long have you been living in this house?
10. I weigh the vegetables.

1 The present tense of regular -er verbs.
2 The present tense of -ir and -re verbs.
3 To be and to have.
4 More irregular verbs.
5 Devoir and its many facets.
6 Pronominal verbs.
7 The passé composé.
8 The imparfait.
9 The futur simple and the futur antérieur.
10 The plus-que-parfait.
11 The present conditional and the past conditional.
12 Could, should, would?.
13 The present subjunctive and the past subjunctive.
14 The infi nitive mood.
15 The present participle and the gerund.
16 The passé simple.
17 The passive voice.
18 Indirect speech.
19 The imperative mood.
20 Articles and nouns.
21 All the pronouns.
22 Adjectives and comparisons.
23 Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns.
24 Relative pronouns.
25 Adverbs and expressions of time, frequency, and location.
26 Numbers.
27 Pot pourri.
28 Review exercises.
Verb tables.
Regular verbs.
Verbs with spelling changes.
Verbs with stem changes.
Irregular verbs.
French-English glossary.
English-French glossary.
Answer key.

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