English for Emails, Chapman R.
One of the advantages of emails over normal ‘snail-mail’ letters is that they are quick and direct. We send an email for a particular purpose and we expect a fast response or immediate action. For emails - whether formal or informal - to be most effective, it is a good idea to give them a clear, logical structure.

Exchanging information.
David and Mike both work for a distribution company dealing in mobile phones.
Look at David's email and answer the questions.
1 How does Mike introduce the subject of the email?
2 Label parts of the email with the following: salutation, informing, stating the action to be taken, giving a deadline, close.
3 Does David already know about the invoice? How do you know?
4 What is the new information Mike has found out?
5 What does Mike ask David to do?
A virus has knocked out all the apostrophes in these sentences. Put them back in.
1 The employees were asked to comment on a no-smoking policy. Well report the results in our next online bulletin.
2 Were happy the negotiations ended positively for both parties.
3 Lets introduce Internet access for all of our employees. Theyve been using it for years anyway.
4 The production plants just had its yearly safety examination and no problems have been reported.
5 If you havent received the report, let me know & III send it on.
6 Heres the survey. Remember, well have to scrap the product if its not popular.
1. An introduction to emails.
2. Formal and informal emails.
3. Enquiries.
4. Requesting action.
5. Exchanging information.
6. Making and confirming arrangements.
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