American Сulture, учебно-методическое пособие по культуре США, Жукова Е.Ф., 2001

American Сulture, Учебно-методическое пособие по культуре США, Жукова Е.Ф., 2001.

   Способствует ознакомлению с современной американской культурой, образом жизни американцев.
Предназначено для студентов старших курсов английского отделения факультета лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации. Представляет интерес для широкого круга читателей, владеющих английским языком.

American Сulture, Учебно-методическое пособие по культуре США, Жукова Е.Ф., 2001

Distance and Space Requirements.
People from different cultures have different space requirements. For example. Latin Americans and Middle Easterners stand closer when they talk than do Americans or Russians. In the United States people need to have greater distances between them physically than do people in many other cultures. Although Americans are often more affectionate and more likely to touch people they know, they have a great need for privacy, especially in the presence of strangers. For example, when Americans enter a bus. a doctor's office, or a waiting room, they sit a least one chair away from the nearest person, if possible. Conversation distance with superiors or with those they don't know well is about three to four feet. However, intimate conversations may be held as close as one-and-a-half feet apart. Because Americans feel uncomfortable if someone stands closer, they will instinctively move away. Countries do not have the same “rules” about how close to each other people should sit or stand. Here is a chart that shows distance and space requirements and the type of body language people use in America in different situations.

Chapter I. American Style of Communication and Gesture Language.
1. Introductions.
2. Distance and Space Requirements.
3. Hand Gestures.
4. Gestures We Use With Others.
5. Wat’s Going On Here?.
Chapter II. Social Relations.
1. Friendships Across Cultures.
2. Problem Situations.
3. Wat’s Going On Here?.
Chapter III. Dating.
1. Dating Across Cultures.
2. Dating Customs.
3. Wat’s Going On Here?.
Chapter IV. Participating in Social Events.
1. Social Events.
2. Celebrating Holidays and Special Events.
3. Greeting Cards.
4. Going Out With Friends.
5. Wat’s Going On Here.
Chapter V. Attending School.
1. Learning About American Schools.
2. Rules for Attending School.
3. Wat’s Going On Here.
Chapter VI. Sharing Common Interests.
1. Superstitions.
2. Attitudes Toward Wild Animals and Pets.
3. What’s Going On Here?.
Chapter VII. Shopping.
1. Shopping from Catalogs.
2. Making Your Purchase.
3. Shopping with Coupons.
4. Talking with Salespeople.
5. Problems and Solutions.
6. What’s Going On Here?.
Chapter VIII. Using the Telephone.
1. Learning About the Telephone.
2. Talking on the Telephone.
3. Special Uses of the Telephone.
4. What’s Going On Here?.

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