Пособие содержит базовый теоретический и практический курс грамматики современного английского языка для студентов первого и второго курсов факультетов иностранных языков.
Данное учебное пособие является составной частью комплекта учебников «Практический курс английского языка» под редакцией профессора В. Д. Аракина.

This grammatical category shows the relation of the noun with other words in the sentence and is expressed by the form of the noun. English nouns have two cases: the Common case and the Possessive case. The Common case lias no inflexion and its meaning is very general. The Possessive case is generally used with nouns denoting people and animals. Nouns denoting inanimate objects are not generally used in the possessive case. The of + noun phrase is used with nouns denoting inanimate objects.
• a boy's leg — the leg of a table
a man's foot — the foot of a mountain
1. The Possessive Case is formed in the following ways:
1. By adding the inflexion -s to the stem of the noun in the singular.
• the boy's toy, a child's game
Note: If a noun in the singular ends in s and has only one syllable it also forms the possessive case with — apostrophe and -s.
• the bus's tires, the boss's order
2. By adding only an apostrophe (') to the nouns in the plural. The second s is generally omitted.
• students' life, workers' wages.
I.Types of Sentences according to the Aim of Communication.
II.Types of Sentences according to Their Structure.
III.The Main Members of the Sentence. The Subject,
the Predicate. Types of Predicate.
IV.The Secondary Members of the Sentence: the Object.
the Attribute, the Adverbial Modifier.
The Noun.
The Article.
The Indefinite Article.
The Definite Article.
Articles with the Names of Meals.
The Use of Articles with Material Nouns.
Tire Use of Articles with Uncountable Abstract Nouns.
The Use of Articles with Nouns Denoting Parts of the Day and Seasons.
The Use of Articles with Gcograpliic(al) Names.
The Use of Articles with Proper Names.
The Use of Articles with Names of Persons.
Articles with Nouns in Apposition.
Articles with the Nouns bed, school, town, college, hospital, jail, market, table.
The Use of Articles in With-, Like-, In-phrases.
The Use of Articles in and with Of-phrases.
The Use of Articles with Some Set-phrases and Free Combinations.
The Adjective.
The Numeral.
The Pronoun.
Personal Pronouns.
Possessive Pronouns.
Demonstrative Pronouns.
Indefinite Pronouns.
The Pronouns Much and Many, Little and Few. Self-pronouns.
The Negative Pronoun No and the Negative Particle Not.
The Verb.
The Present Tenses (the Simple Present, the Present Progressive.
the Present Perfect, the Present Perfect Progressive).
The Past Tenses (the Simple Past, the Past Progressive,
the Past Perfect, the Past Perfect Progressive).
The Future Tenses (the Simple Future, the Future Progressive, the Future Perfect, the Future Perfect Progressive. Other Means of Expressing Future Actions).
The Rules of the Sequence of Tenses.
The Complex Object.
Modal Verbs.
Unit 1 Tire Sentence. Kinds of Sentences according to the Purpose of tire Utterance. Kinds of Sentences according to Their Structure.
Unit 2 Tire Main Members of the Sentence. The Subject. The Predicate.
Unit 3 The Secondary Members of the Sentence. The Object. The Attribute. The Adverbial Modifier.
Unit 4 Nouns and Their Classification. The Number of the Noun and the Formation of the Plural.
Unit 5 The Article. The Equivalents of the Definite and the Indefinite Articles.
Unit 6 The Possessive Case of Nouns. Articles with Nouns in the Main Syntactical Functions. Personal. Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns.
Unit 7 The Simple Present Tense. The Possessive Case of the Noun. Self-Pronouns.
Unit 8 The Article with Nouns Modified by Such, Rather, What. Quite. The Simple Present Tense. The Gender of the Noun.
Unit 9 The Use of Articles with Countable and Uncountable Nouns. The Simple Present Tense.
Unit 10 The Indefinite Pronouns. The Simple Present and the Simple Future Tense.
Unit 11 Revision (Units 1 to 10).
Unit 12 The Simple Present and the Simple Future Tense. Articles with Nouns Modified by Descriptive and Limiting Attributes. Indefinite Pronouns.
Unit 13 Indefinite Pronouns and Interrogative Pronouns. Articles.
Unit 14 The Present Progressive Tense and Other Tenses. Articles.
Unit 15 The Use of Tenses and Articles.
Unit 16 Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives. Indefinite Pronouns.
Unit 17 Modal Verbs. Degrees of Comparison. Tenses.
Unit 18 Degrees of Comparison. Articles with Geogrphical Names. Modal Verbs. Tenses.
Unit 19 The Present Perfect Tense. The Resultative Type. Modal Verbs. Articles.
Unit 20 The Present Perfect Tense. The Durative Type. Articles with the Names of Meals.
Unit 21.The Present Perfect Tense. The Simple Past Tense.
Unit 22.The Present Perfect Tense. Tlte Simple Past Tense. Other Tenses.
Unit 23 The Present Perfect Tense in Clauses of Time and Condition. Other Tenses.
Unit 24 The Use of Tenses. Articles with Nouns in Apposition.
Unit 25 The Use of Tenses.
Unit 26 The Use of Tenses. Articles with Nouns in Apposition.
Unit 27 The Past and the Future Progressive Tenses. The Simple Past and the Past Progressive Tenses. Degrees of Comparison.
Unit 28 Progressive Tenses. The Future Progressive Tense Expressing a Matter-of-Course Action. Articles in with-, like-, in-phrases.
Unit 29 Ways of Expressing Futurity. Articles with Nouns Denoting Parts of the Day and Names of Seasons.
Unit 30 The Use of Tenses and Articles.
Unit 31 The Use of Tenses. Reported Speech.
Unit 32 The Use of Tenses. Reported Speech.
Unit 33 The Use of Tenses and Articles. The Generic Use of the Definite Article.
Unit 34.The Use of Tenses and Articles.
Unit 35.The Use of Tenses. The Present Perfect Progressive Tense.
Unit 36 The Use of the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.
Unit 37 The Use of Tenses.
Unit 38.The Use of Tenses. Articles with phrases.
Unit 39.The Use of the Past Perfect Tense. Articles.
Unit 40 The Use of Tenses.
Unit 41 The Use of Tenses. Articles with the Nouns Bed, School, Table, Town, Jail, Prison, Hospital, University, College.
Unit 42 The Past Perfect Progressive Tense. Revision Of Articles.
Unit 43 The Past Perfect Progressive Tense. Adjectives As Adverbs.
Unit 44 The Future in the Past. The Sequence of Tenses.
Unit 45 Reported Speech. The Sequence of Tenses.
Unit 46 Reported Speech. The Sequence of Tenses. Articles.
Unit 47 Reported Speech. The Sequence of Tenses.
Unit 48 The Future Perfect. The Future Perfect Progressive.
Unit 49 The Passive Voice. Degrees of Comparison.
Unit 50 The Passive Voice. Articles with Uncountable Nouns.
Unit 51 The Passive Voice. Indefinite Pronouns.
Unit 52.The Passive Voice. Revision of Tenses.
Unit 53 The Complex Object. The Passive Voice.
Unit 54 The Complex Object. The Use of Past Tenses.
Unit 55 The Complex Object. The Gerund.
Unit 56.General.Revision.
Unit 57.General.Revision.
Unit 58.General.Revision.
Unit 59.General.Revision.
Unit 60 Test Your Knowledge.
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