Письменная английская речь, практический курс, A Course in Written English, Салье В.М., Мячинская Э.И., Цурикова Л.П., 2005

Письменная английская речь, Практический курс, A Course in Written English, Салье В.М., Мячинская Э.И., Цурикова Л.П., 2005.

Пособие представляет собой полный систематизированный курс письменной практики по английскому языку. Цель пособия — способствовать усвоению студентами орфографической, орфоэпической, лексической, грамматической и стилистической норм английского языка и развитию коммуникативной компетенции студентов применительно к письменной речи. В первой части пособия особое внимание уделяется развитию орфографических навыков. Во второй части содержатся необходимые сведения по композиции текста, практической стилистике, пунктуации, грамматическому и лексическому узусу и предлагаются соответствующие задания и разнообразные упражнения для развития навыков творческой работы и выработки хорошего стиля. Для студентов лингвистических вузов. Может быть использовано на курсах английского языка, а также для самостоятельной работы.

Письменная английская речь, Практический курс, A Course in Written English, Салье В.М., Мячинская Э.И., Цурикова Л.П., 2005

Introduction: Layout (or Presentation) of Written Work.
In English schools, universities and colleges, written work is usually set out (or presented) in the following way:

1. A margin1,2-3 cm wide, is drawn in pencil on the left, unless there is a printed margin. It should be straight, and therefore drawn with a ruler.
2. The date is written in the top right-hand comer. It may be written in various ways:
(I) 15th December, 2004 (II) December 15th, 2004
(III) 15 December (,) 2004    
(IV) December 15 (,) 2004    More modern, simplified forms.

NB! There is a tendency nowadays to omit full stops after abbreviations, and commas before the year.
These are read as follows:
(I) and (III) — the fifteenth of December, two thousand and four.
(II) and (IV) — December the fifteenth, two thousand and four.
The words the and of, although usually spoken, are never written in headings and only occasionally in continuous prose.
Abbreviations of the names of the months (e. g. Jan, Feb, etc.) should in general be reserved for notes (конспекты) and other types of writing where it is important to save time or space.
The same applies to forms such as 15.12.04, which are used mainly on forms (бланки), lists, labels, etc. Note that Americans put the month first, for example: 12.15.04. The date is usually underlined.

От авторов
Part One
1 st Year
Introduction: Layout (or Presentation) of Written Work
Lesson 1. Spelling: English Syllables. The First Type of Syllable
Lesson 2. Spelling: The Second Type of Syllable
Lesson 3. Spelling: The Third Type of Syllable
A Text for Reproduction
Lesson 4. Spelling: The Fourth Type of Syllable
A Text for Reproduction
Lesson 5. Spelling: Doubling the Final Consonant
A Text for Reproduction
Lesson 6. Spelling: Mute Final -e
A Text for Reproduction
Lesson 7. Spelling: Final -y and Its Modifications
A Text for Reproduction
Lesson 8. Spelling: Homophones
A Text for Reproduction
Lesson 9. Spelling: Homophones (Continued)
A Text for Reproduction
Lesson 10. Spelling: Homophones (Continued)
Lesson 11. Spelling: Homophones (Revision)
A Text for Reproduction
Lesson 12. Spelling: Silent Consonants
A Text for Reproduction
Lesson 13. Spelling: Silent Consonants (Continued)
Lesson 14. Spelling: Silent Consonants (Continued)
A Text for Reproduction
2nd Year
Introduction: The Paragraph
Lesson I. Spelling: Words with the Digraph -gu-
Lesson 2. Spelling: Words with the Digraph -qu-
Lesson 3. Spelling; Words with the Digraph -cA-
Lesson 4. Spelling: Words with the Digraph -ph-
Lesson 5. Spelling: Digraphs -ei- and -ie-
Lesson 6. Spelling: Suffixes -en and -ness
Lesson 7. Spelling: Adjectives with the Suffixes -able, -ible
Lesson 8. Spelling: Nouns with the Suffix -er
Lesson 9. Spelling: Nouns with the Suffix -or
Lesson 10. Spelling: Words with the Suffixes -ant (Adjective), -ance (Noun)
Words with the Suffixes -ent, -ence, -ency
Lesson 11. Spelling: Words with the Suffixes -ous, -eous, -ious, -uous ... Lesson 12. Spelling: Words with the Prefixes en-, in-, de-, dis-
Part Two
3rd and 4th Years
Chapter I. Elements of Style
Chapter 11. Composition Technique
Reproduction Writing
Unfinished Stories
Composition and Essay Writing
Summary Writing
Letter Writing
Chapter III. Grammatical and Lexical Usage
Grammatical Usage
Lexical Usage
Chapter IV. Vocabulary Tests
Appendix I. Use of Verbs with to-Infinitives (or Infinitival Constructions), Gerunds (or Gerundial Constructions and 77ret-Clauses
Appendix II. Use of Prepositions
Appendix III. Adjectives Not Used as Attributes in Preposition
Appendix IV Punctuation
Keys to Exercises.

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