Автор: Burton Jay Nadler, Jordan Nadler, Justin Nadler.
Words You Should Know in High School has some rhyming words, should be fun and funny, and does meet a challenge, but it wasn't written to win any money (a rhyming sentence homage to Dr. S). It is a user-friendly reference guide written by Burton J. Nadler in collaboration with his two children, Justin and Jordan, who are in high school and college. In this book, you'll find more than 1,000 handy words and definitions that high school students of all levels should know. Each entry features a word, its definition, and an example of that word in a sentence. In much of its format, this book follows the example of two previous titles also published by Adams Media: The Words You Should Know by David Olsen, and More Words You Should Know by Michelle Bevilacqua.

If you're reading Words You Should Know in High School, you are most likely a high school student interested in improving your vocabulary to get ahead. You're probably not seeking to become an etymologist, so your career aspirations haven't made you a voracious seeker of word knowledge. Okay, so thinking about writing and speaking is definitely not as much fun as catching a flick with friends. But words aren't all that bad. Really! And this book is definitely for you! You can use this book as a way to accrue a larger vocabulary, as a study aid, or as a last-minute review handbook. You can also use this book to help you write killer essays, when cramming for quizzes or exams, or to enhance scores on standardized tests such as the SAT.
Dedication / v
Acknowledgments / vii
Introduction / ix
More Tlian 1,000 Words You Should Know and Use in High School / 1
Helpful Exercises for More Word Power and Better Test Scores / 213
Appendix A: Using Roots and Prefixes to Decipher the Words You Dont Know / 219
Appendix B: Words of Wisdom from a High School Student,
a College Admissions Officer, and a College Student / 227
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