учебник по английскому языку

Choices, Pre-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012

Choices, Pre-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012.

   Choices is a five-level course for secondary students, taking learners from Elementary to Advanced level. Choices Pre-Intermediate offers ninety-six lessons of core material but because of the in built flexibility of the course, this could be extended considerably.

Choices, Pre-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012
Скачать и читать Choices, Pre-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012

Choices, Intermediate, Russian Edition, Харрис М., Сикоржинска А., Вербицкая М., 2012

Choices, Intermediate, Russian Edition, Харрис М., Сикоржинска А., Вербицкая М., 2012.

   Учебное пособие пятиуровневого курса английского языка «Choices» является частью УМК, включающего рабочую тетрадь с CD-диском, онлайновое приложение MyEnglishLab, а также пособие для учителя с мультимедийным приложением на DVD-диске, CD-дисками для работы в классе и приложением для интерактивной доски. Предназначено для обучения в 9 классе общеобразовательных учреждений. Пособие подготовлено к изданию при участии Издательского центра «Вентана-Граф».

Choices, Intermediate, Russian Edition, Харрис М., Сикоржинска А., Вербицкая М., 2012
Скачать и читать Choices, Intermediate, Russian Edition, Харрис М., Сикоржинска А., Вербицкая М., 2012

Choices Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012

Choices Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012.

   Choices is a five-level course for secondary students, taking learners from Elementary to Advanced level. Choices Intermediate offers ninety-six lessons of core material but because of the in built flexibility of the course, this could be extended considerably.

Choices Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012
Скачать и читать Choices Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012

Choices Upper-Intermediate, Students Book, Harris M., Verbitskaya M., 2013

Choices Upper-Intermediate, Students Book, Harris M., Verbitskaya M., 2013.

Фрагмент из книги.
In the 1950s, African Americans were second-class citizens. In the South, they had to sit at the back of buses and give up their seats for whites. A courageous schoolgirl called Claudette Colvin challenged this unjust discrimination.

Choices Upper-Intermediate, Students Book, Harris M., Verbitskaya M., 2013
Скачать и читать Choices Upper-Intermediate, Students Book, Harris M., Verbitskaya M., 2013

Choices Upper-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2013

Choices Upper-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2013.

   Choices is a five-level course for secondary students, taking learners from Elementary to Advanced level. Choices Upper Intermediate offers eighty lessons of core material but because of the inbuilt flexibility of the course, this could be extended considerably.

Choices Upper-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2013
Скачать и читать Choices Upper-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2013

Complete English Punctuation Rules, 2017

Complete English Punctuation Rules, 2017.

   Punctuation is essential to learning how to write. Only when we master punctuation can we begin to perfect our writing. More than a dozen unique punctuation marks are used in modern English, and each mark can change the structure and meaning of our chosen words in both drastic and subtle ways. When we speak, we control this meaning by pausing or changing the inflection of our voice; when we write, however, the only way to convey this meaning is through the correct use of punctuation marks.
This guide covers all the ways punctuation shapes the English language as it is written today. Because of how varied the usage of punctuation marks can be, it’s crucial to understand exactly how each mark can (or cannot) be used.

Complete English Punctuation Rules, 2017
Скачать и читать Complete English Punctuation Rules, 2017

American English File, Starter, Student-book, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2013

American English File, Starter, Student-book, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2013.

Фрагмент из книги.
We all know Nissan is a Japanese company. It has factories, offices, and salespeople all over the world. It is partners with a French company, Renault, and its CEO, Carlos Ghosn, is Brazilian. But what is the official language of Nissan? English!

American English File, Starter, Student-book, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2013
Скачать и читать American English File, Starter, Student-book, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2013

American English File, Starter, Teacher’s Book, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2013

American English File, Starter, Teacher’s Book, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2013.

   American English File Second Edition is an integrated skills series that gets students talking – in class, and everywhere. Our goal with this Second Edition has been to make every lesson better and more student- and teacher-friendly. In addition to Student Book Lessons A and B, there is a range of material that you can use according to your students’ needs.
The Teacher’s Book also suggests different ways of exploiting many of the Student Book activities depending on the level of your class.

American English File, Starter, Teacher’s Book, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2013
Скачать и читать American English File, Starter, Teacher’s Book, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2013
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