Athenian Ostracism and its Original Purpose, Wecowski M., 2022

Athenian Ostracism and its Original Purpose, Wecowski M., 2022.

   The reader of this book may notice that it dedicates relatively little space to the well-known tools of Athenian ostracism: the ostraka, or ceramic sherds, on which the Athenians scratched names of unpopular, or perhaps too popular, politicians. This is because the idea of this book originates in the conviction that previous explanations of the mechanisms and genesis of the Athenian ostracism are not sufficient and that there are still many questions about ostracism to which no satisfactory answers, or indeed answers of any sort, have been provided. This standstill seems natural, given that scholars of Athenian democracy had long been awaiting, with ever-increasing appetite, a full scholarly publication of the largest collection of the Athenian ostraka: the sherds from the Kerameikos.

Athenian Ostracism and its Original Purpose, Wecowski M., 2022

Ostracism and the ‘Politics of Expulsion’ in Archaic and Classical Greece.
In her remarkable book entitled Exile, Ostracism and Democracy. The Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece, Sara Forsdyke wrote that the quite common surprise which the Athenian practice of ostracism arouses in modern times, including in modern scholarship, proves that we still do not understand its meaning correctly. The ancients (even though their views on this institution and on the democracy using it differ) often saw it as an efficient political tool and a rational solution (but see above, p. 9). That is why Forsdyke decided to investigate the immediate political and ideological context of ostracism, by which she rightly (albeit perhaps too narrowly) understood the practice, the legislation, and the conceptions the Greeks had regarding exile.

In the archaic and classical times, up until the famous decree by Alexander the Great, exiles constituted one of the most pressing social and political problems of the Greek world. The general pattern was that power struggles in poleis often resulted in the exile of the leaders of the losing faction or even larger political groups, sometimes accompanied by their entire families.⁸² Such expulsions often involved property confiscations, and return was usually possible only by force of arms; the exiles changed places with their persecutors, thus propelling the wheel of political and personal vengeance, destabilising the life of a particular community and its neighbours.

List of Illustrations.
List of Abbreviations.
1. Ostracism before Ostracism?.
1.1 Was there Ostracism beyond Athens in the Archaic Period?.
1.1.1 Traces of Ostrakophoriai in the Greek World.
1.1.2 Ostracism and the ‘Politics of Expulsion’ in Archaic and Classical Greece.
1.2 Ostracism before Ostracism in Archaic Athens?.
1.2.1 Archaic Ostraka from the Athenian Agora and the Ostracism of Classical Times.
1.2.2 Vaticanus Graecus 1144 and the Mirage of the So-called ‘Bouleutic Ostracism’.
1.2.3 Ostracism and the Scapegoat Ritual.
1.3 Conclusions: The Invention of Democratic Athens.
2. Towards a Reconstruction of Ostracism in Athens: The Facts.
2.1 Cleisthenes or the ‘Generation of Marathonomachoi’? Dating the Law about Ostracism.
2.1.1 Ps.-Aristotle, Harpocration, and Androtion’s Atthis.
2.1.2 Cleisthenes, the Inventor of Ostracism?.
2.2 Athenian Ostracisms of 508/507 BC–ca. 416 BC.
2.2.1 The Extant Athenian Ostraka and the Study of the History of Ostracism.
2.2.2 The List of Athenian Ostracisms in Athenaion Politeia and its Possible Sources.
2.2.3 Ostracisms Attested in Literary Sources and Disputable Ostracisms.
2.2.4 The End of Athenian Ostrakophoriai ‘around 416 bc’.
2.2.5 The Issue of Possible Ostrakophoriai Unattested in Literary Sources.
3. Towards a Reconstruction of Ostracism in Athens: The Procedures.
3.1 The Question of the Availability of the Law about Ostracism in Fourth-century Athens.
3.2 The Procedure and Chronology of Ostracism.
3.2.1 Between Epicheirotonia and Ostrakophoria.
3.2.2 The Topography of Ostracism.
3.2.3 The Pan Painter and the Day of Ostrakophoria.
3.2.4 Interim Conclusions: Ostrakophoria and the Agora.
3.2.5 The Conundrum of the ‘Quorum’ of Ostracism and the Issue of Ineffective Ostrakophoriai.
3.2.6 The Hypothetical ‘Quorum’ of the Epicheirotonia of Ostracism in the Fifth Century BC.
3.3 The Issue of the Potential Evolution of Ostracism in Athens in the Fifth Century BC.
3.3.1 The Puzzle of the Geography of Exile in the Law about Ostracism.
3.3.2 The Duration of Exile from Athens in the Law about Ostracism.
3.4 Conclusions: A Reconstructed Procedure of Athenian Ostracism.
4. The Historical Context of the Cleisthenian Law about Ostracism.
4.1 Cleisthenes’ Reforms or ‘Athenian Revolution’?.
4.2 The Law about Ostracism within the System of Cleisthenes’ Reforms.
5. The Prisoner’s Dilemma—Ostracism and Competition among Athenian Political Élites.
5.1 The ‘Theory of Cooperation’ as a Possible Explanatory Model.
5.2 The Mechanism and the Primary Aim of the Law about Ostracism—A Reconstruction Attempt.
5.2.1 Ostracism—Against Tyranny or Aristocratic Stasis? Prevention or Punishment?.
5.2.2 The Athenian ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’, or Ostracism and Athenian Political Life.
5.2.3 Athenian Ostracism and the ‘Theory of Cooperation’ I: A Historical Approach.
5.2.4 Athenian Ostracism and the ‘Theory of Cooperation’ II: A Theoretical Approach.
Epilogue and Conclusions: The Decline and Fall of Athenian Ostracism.
From Pericles to Hyperbolus, or What Went Wrong in ‘ca. 416 BC’?.
A Fourth-century Consensus?.
General Conclusions: The Logic and Original Goals of Athenian Ostracism.
Index Locorum.
General Index.

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