Speakout 2nd Edition, Intermediate, Teachers Book, Williams D., 2015.
Speakout 2nd Edition is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide and BBC Learning English. The course integrates authentic video from popular BBC programmes into every unit and builds the skills and knowledge learners need to express themselves confidently in a real English-speaking environment.

Ss watch an extract from a BBC news report about the blind painter Sargy Mann, who talks about his life and how he paints blind. Ss learn and practise how to talk about themselves for 60 seconds and to write a personal description of a classmate.
Before class, find some of Sargy Mann's paintings on the internet and either print them and put them on the walls or show them on a screen. Ask; What do you think of when you see each painting? Which is your favourite? Do you know the artist? Ss look at the paintings and discuss the questions in pairs. When they have finished, elicit some answers and have a class discussion. Don't say who the artist is yet.
Students' Book contents.
Welcome to Speakout Second Edition.
Overview of the components.
A unit of the Students' Book.
Additional components.
Speakout Extra.
Teaching approaches.
The Global Scale of English.
Teacher's notes.
Index and Lead-in.
Units 1-10.
Resource bank.
Photocopiable activities index.
Photocopiable activities.
Teacher's notes for photocopiable activities.
Extra resources.
Class audio scripts.
Class video scripts.
BBC interviews.
Worksheets for BBC interviews.
Unit tests.
Achievement tests.
Mid-course test.
End of course test.
Test audio.
Test audio scripts.
Test answer key.
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