Английский язык для специалистов электроэнергетики, Степанова Н.С., 2022

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Английский язык для специалистов электроэнергетики, Степанова Н.С., 2022.

   Курс разработан для развития навыков применения английского языка в профессиональной деятельности специалистов сферы атомной энергетики.
Курс содержит задания коммуникативной направленности для выполнения в устной или письменной форме. В каждом разделе (unit) приводится лексический минимум, необходимый для запоминания, и задания для повторения грамматического материала, требуемого для работы с техническими текстами.
Соответствует актуальным требованиям федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования.
Для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по инженерно-техническим направлениям.

Английский язык для специалистов электроэнергетики, Степанова Н.С., 2022

Nuclear reactor.
Reactor is a device in which a controlled fission chain reaction takes place. The main part of it is its core containing nuclear fuel, coolant and moderator. Isotopes of uranium, plutonium or thorium can be used as fuel. It is usually in the form of rods clad with metals and arranged into bundles or assemblies. The function of the coolant is to absorb and remove heat from the core. If we have a 2-circuit system* then coolant of the first circuit flows to a heat exchanger converting secondary circuit coolant — water — into steam. Coolant may be heavy or light water, gas (helium, carbon dioxide) or liquid metal (sodium). Water, graphite or beryllium are used as moderators. They slow down fast neutrons making them more effective in fission and reducing their energy to the thermal level*.

Core also contains control rods made of substances easily absorbing neutrons (boron or cadmium steel alloys). Moving these rods up the operator raises the reactor power level and moving them down he lowers it.

Core is surrounded by a reflector, the function* of the latter is to reduce the neutron leakage from the core. All reactor components are contained in a reactor vessel made of steel and surrounded by shielding. There are two types of shielding: biological and thermal one. They protect from overheating and radiations.

Unit 1. Reactor arrangement and operation.
Useful words and phrases.
Pretext exercises.
Text. Nuclear reactor.
Unit 2. Reactor types.
Useful words and phrases.
Pretext exercises.
Text. The first fast reactor BN-350.
Unit 3. Sources of energy.
Useful words and phrases.
Pretext exercises.
Text. Different sources of energy.
Unit 4. Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy.
Useful words and phrases.
Pretext exercises.
Text. Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy.
Unit 5. Radiation.
Useful words and phrases.
Pretext exercises.
Text. Types of radiation.
Unit 6. From the history of nuclear technology development.
Useful words and phrases.
Pretext exercises.
Text. From the history of nuclear technology development.
Unit 7. Strategy of nuclear energy development.
Useful words and phrases.
Pretext exercises.
Text. Main points of the Strategy of nuclear energy development.
Additional communicative tasks.
Новые издания по дисциплине «Английский язык» и смежным дисциплинам.

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