Олимпиады по английскому языку, 8-11 классы, Use of English, Книга 1, Гулов А.П., 2018

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Олимпиады по английскому языку, 8-11 классы, Use of English, Книга 1, Гулов А.П., 2018.

   Учебное пособие предназначено для подготовки школьников к разделу “Use of English" муниципального, регионального и заключительного этапов всероссийской олимпиады по английскому языку.
Книга содержит 65 заданий тех типов, которые часто встречаются в олимпиадах. Пособие можно использовать для тренировки учащихся и в качестве банка заданий для школьных олимпиад на уроках и во внеурочной деятельности. Вместе с остальными книгами серии “Olympiad Builder” данное пособие обеспечивает качественную и системную подготовку к олимпиадам по английскому языку, в том числе в дополнение к любому курсу английского языка.
Автор книги — кандидат педагогических наук, методист ГАОУ ДПО Центр Педагогического Мастерства г. Москва, учитель-наставник абсолютных победителей заключительных этапов всероссийских олимпиад школьников 2015 и 2016 гг., тренер команды г. Москва по подготовке к всероссийской олимпиаде школьников.

Олимпиады по английскому языку, 8-11 классы, Use of English, Книга 1, Гулов А.П., 2018

Find the extra word in each line if there is one. Tick the sentences that are correct.
1. Cant and Slang are as universal and world-wide. By their means is often said in a sentence what
2. would otherwise take an hour to express to. Nearly every nation on the face of the globe, polite and
3. barbarous, has its divisions and subdivisions of various ranksof society. These are necessarily of
4. many kinds with, stationary and wandering, civilized and uncivilized, respectable and disreputable,
5. those who have been fixed abodes and avail themselves of the refinements of civilization, and those
6. who will go from place to place picking up a precarious livelihood by petty sales, begging, or theft.
7. This peculiarity is to have be observed amongst the heathen tribes of the southern hemisphere, as well
8. as in the oldest and most refined countries of Europe.
9. Most nations, then since, possess each a tongue, or series of tongues maybe, each based on the national
10. language, by which not only thieves, beggars, and other outcasts don’t communicate, but which is used.

Find two extra words in each line.
1. The author of this series has made it up his special object to confine himself very strictly, even in the most minute details which he does records, to historic truth.
2. The narratives are not tales founded upon history, but history in itself, without any embellishment or any deviations from the strict truth, so far as it can now be never discovered by an attentive examination of the annals written at the time when the events themselves occurred.
3. In writing the narratives, the author has endeavored to avail for himself of the best sources of information which this country might affords; and though, of course, there must be in these volumes, as in all historical accounts, more or less of imperfection and error, there is no intentional embellishment.

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