Hans von Bülow’s vast legacy, scattered across a wide variety of locations, reflects a life of ceaseless travel. He is known to have given more than 3,000 concerts during his career as a pianist and conductor. His long and arduous tours took him through a dozen or more countries, and left a complex trail of paper in their wake—programmes, newspaper reviews, photographs, reminiscences, diary entries, and correspondence. Much of this material is esoteric and remains unpublished. But it is not possible to write a reliable account of Bülow’s life without taking it into account. It is my pleasant duty to thank all those colleagues who helped me along the way.

The Growing Virtuoso.
The death of Eduard von Bülow ~ Hans dashes from the Karlsruhe Festival to Ötlishausen to attend the funeral ~ his letters of condolence to his mother and sister ~ he returns to the Karlsruhe Festival and receives an ovation for his performance of Liszt’s Fantasie on Motifs from Beethoven’s ‘Ruins of Athens’ ~ meets Count Theodore Myscielski in Dresden, who invites him to teach his four daughters at the family castle in Chocieszewice, Poland ~ Berlioz visits Dresden (April/May, 1852) and conducts his Damnation of Faust and other works ~ Bülow spends much time in the composer’s company ~ he undertakes to make a four-hand arrangement of Berlioz’s Benvenuto Cellini.
Bülow takes up his teaching post at Chocieszewice, October 1854 ~ his droll descriptions of life in his ‘Polish swamp’ ~ after several weeks of dull routine he visits Berlin and attempts to ignite a new career there ~ he gives a concert in the Singakademie, which loses money, but he forms useful connections with the city’s leading musicians ~ Julius Stern offers him the post of head of the piano department at the Stern Conservatory to replace Theodor Kullak ~ he returns to Poland for a few more weeks before beginning a new life in Berlin.
The Bülow Chronicles.
Bülow’s Family Tree.
From Alpha to Omega.
Bülow’s Family Background.
Book One: On the Slopes of Parnassus, 1830–1869.
The Early Years.
With Liszt in Weimar.
The Growing Virtuoso, 1853–1855.
Berlin, 1855–1864 I: A City of Mingled Chimes.
Berlin, 1855–1864 II: Marriage to Cosima.
Catastrophe in Munich, 1864–1869.
Book Two: Ascending the Peak, 1870–1880.
Bülow in Florence.
First Tours of Britain—and Beyond, 1873–1875.
The First Tour of America, 1875–1876.
A Scottish Interlude, 1877–1878.
At Hanover, 1877–1879.
Britannia Scorned, 1878–1879: Encounters and Skirmishes in ‘The Land without Music’.
Book Three: Vistas from the Summit, 1880–1894.
The Meiningen Years, 1880–1885 I: The Meiningen Miracle.
The Meiningen Years, 1880–1885 II: Enter Marie Schanzer.
The Meiningen Years, 1880–1885 III: Paths of Glory.
Bülow the Pedagogue: The Frankfurt Masterclasses, 1884–1887.
A New Home in Hamburg, 1886.
The Berlin Philharmonic, 1887–1892 I: The Eagle’s Wings.
Return to America, 1889–1890.
The Berlin Philharmonic, 1887–1892: II: ‘Glory, Honour, and Good Fortune’.
The Last Days and Death of Bülow, 1893–1894.
Appendix I: Bülow’s Autopsy Report.
Appendix II: Complete Catalogue of Bülow’s Compositions, Transcriptions, and Editions.
Appendix III: Bülow’s Titles and Honours.
List of Sources.
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