Shell Programming in Unix, Linux and OS X is a thoroughly updated revision of Kochan and Wood’s classic Unix Shell Programming tutorial. Following the methodology of the original text, the book focuses on the POSIX standard shell, and teaches you how to develop programs in this useful programming environment, taking full advantage of the underlying power of Unix and Unix-like operating systems.

Exit Status.
To understand how conditional tests work, it’s important to know about how Unix works with what’s called the exit status. Whenever any program completes execution, it returns an exit status code to the shell. This status is a numeric value that indicates whether the program ran successfully or failed. By convention, an exit status of zero indicates that a program succeeded, and non-zero indicates that it failed, with different values indicating different kinds of failures.
Contents at a Glance.
1.A Quick Review of the Basics.
2.What Is the Shell?
3.Tools of the Trade.
4.And Away We Go.
5.Can I Quote You on That?
6.Passing Arguments.
7.Decisions, Decisions.
8.'Round and 'Round She Goes.
9.Reading and Printing Data.
10.Your Environment.
11.More on Parameters.
12.Loose Ends.
13.Rolo Revisited.
14.Interactive and Nonstandard Shell Features.
A Shell Summary.
B For More Information.
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Теги: Kochan :: Wood :: книги по программированию :: программирование :: книги на английском языке
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