Английский язык, 5 класс, Students Book, Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В., 2008

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Английский язык, 5 класс, Students Book, Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В., 2008.

Фрагмент из книги.
There are three main ways of talking about the future in English. Two of them you already know. (See “Brush up Your Grammar”.) But you can also use the present continuous tense to talk about your plans or things you have decided to do, especially with the verbs to go, to come, to arrive, to move, to leave, to have.

Английский язык, 5 класс, Students Book, Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В., 2008

Express the following in English.
1) Вчера в 3 часа Анна играла на флейте, а ее братья играли на скрипке. 2) В то время как Фред включал пылесос, его жена включала стиральную машину. 3) В то время как я покупала овощи, я разговаривала с продавцом овощей и фруктов. 4) Мой пала чинил центральное отопление вчера в 7 часов вечера. 5) Кто играл в теннис, когда вы вошли в зал? 6) Маленький Том смотрел на карту Европы, когда его сестра рассказывала ему об Англии. 7) Что ты делал, когда бабушка пекла блины? 8) В то время когда дети слушали музыку, их родители наблюдали за восходом солнца.

Robert was nearly two hours late for school. This is what happened.
1. 7.30. He cleaned his teeth in the bathroom. The telephone rang. It was his granny. He spoke to his granny for a few minutes.
2. He ate his breakfast. The door bell rang. It was his friend.
3. They left for school. They saw Robert’s uncle from another city at the door. Robert let him in.
4. Robert showed their flat to his uncle. There was a call from his father. He explained to him why he was at home with his uncle.
5. He walked to school and saw a burglar in the house oppo site. Robert spoke to the police.

Lesson 1.
Persona I Identification.
Text “A Friendly Family”.
Lesson 2.
Daily Life.
Text “Peter’s Holiday”.
Lesson 3.
Free Time.
Text “Whatever Happened to Uncle Oscar”, part I.
Lesson 4.
Text “My Friend Is an Alien”.
Lesson 5.
So Many Countries So Many
Text “More about British and Russian Traditions”.
The World Around Us.
Lesson 6.
Text “Continents and Countries”.
Lesson 7.
Text “English-speaking Countries”.
Lesson 8.
Text “Animals in Danger”.
Lesson 9.
Text “Twelve Flowers of the Year".
Lesson 10.
Text “The Earth Is in Danger”
Lesson 11. Review 1.
The Geography and Political Outlook of the UK.
Lesson 12.
Text “The Land and the People of Great Britain”.
Lesson 13.
Text “The Queen and Parliament”.
Lesson 14.
Text “The British Way of Life".
Health and Body Care.
Lesson 15.
Text “At the Doctor’s”.
Lesson 16.
Text “Ronald Is Really 111”
Lesson 17.
Text “What We Should Do to Keep Fit".
Lesson 18. Review 2.
Sports and Games.
Lesson 19.
Vxt “Popular British Sports and Games”.
Lesson 20.
Text “He Was Only Wrong by Two!.
Lesson 21.
Text “At the Butcher’s”.
Lesson 22.
Text “At Selfridge’s”.
Lesson 28. Review 3.
Reference Grammar.
English-Russian Vocabulary.
Irregular Verbs.

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