Cutting Edge, Starter Workbook with Key, 2014.
Cutting Edge is a multi-level general English course for adults and young adults. Providing a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary and skills, Cutting Edge Starter is for complete beginners or those who need to brush up on the basics before moving on to elementary level. Cutting Edge Starter Workbook consolidates and extends the language taught in the Students' Book. Grammar exercises give students useful practice and build confidence. Vocabulary boosters and Wordspots build on the lexical areas covered in the Students' Book. Listen and read and Improve your writing sections develop skills. Pronunciation sections focus on the sounds and the features of natural speech.

Read the statements and decide if they are true (T) or false (F).
1.The Sushiya is a good restaurant.
2.Vaqueros is in the city centre.
3.The Chinatown is expensive.
4.The waiters in The Piccolo are Italian.
5.The food in The Sushiya is really cheap.
6.The waiters in The Chinatown are friendly.
7.The waiters in Vaqueros aren't Argentinian.
8.The food in The Piccolo is fantastic.
9.The Chinatown is a Vietnamese restaurant.
10.The food in The Piccolo isn't cheap.
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Теги: рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: книги на английском языке
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