In touch 1, Workbook, Date O., 2001.
Фрагмент из книги.
Sophie is eleven years old. She’s French. She’s from Lyon in France. This is Sophie’s school It isn’t in Lyon, it is in Paris. Sophie’s school is Sonne Lycee. It’s a famous school in the centre of Paris.

Healthy and Unhealthy.
Stuart is thirteen years old. He is a vegetarian - he doesn’t eat meat. Stuart eats fruit, vegetables and cheese. He usually drinks milk, not cola, and he doesn't eat chocolate or sweets. Stuart always walks to school and he usually exercises in the gym, after school. In the summer he usually swims every day and he often plays tennis at the weekends. In the winter he plays basketball and football.
Sally is thirteen years old, too. She eats meat every day. She loves hamburgers and cheeseburgers. She often eats fast food’. Sometimes she has an apple or an orange but she never eats vegetables. Sally doesn’t often exercise. She sometimes dances at parties and in the holidays she often swims or plays tennis with her friends.
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