Nuclear English is a flexible course that can be used according to individual needs. Because the units in the book are organized by topic rather than by difficulty, you can study them in any order. Use the Contents pages to choose a unit or section that interests you or is relevant to your work. Alternatively, if your aim by using Nuclear English is to improve your Grammar, Listening or Pronunciation, read the relevant section below.

Radiological Protection.
Language focus: Stating conditions.
Water should not enter the mine providing that the area around the ore zone remains frozen.
Tailings will not harm the environment as long as they are managed carefully.
Any worker can operate a "scoop tram" as long as he/she has had the required training.
Leached contaminants from the waste rock will not cause a problem providing they are directed to a water treatment facility.
He agreed to work his colleague's shift on condition that he promised to return the favour.
1. Climate Change.
2. Uranium Mining.
3. Fuel Manufacturing.
4. Reactor Management.
5. Transport.
6. Reprocessing.
7. Decommissioning.
8. Deep Geological Disposal.
9. Other Nuclear Applications.
10. Safeguards and Security.
11. Safety.
12. Research and Development.
Language Orientation Test.
Answer Key.
Listening Transcripts.
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