How to Learn French, Rocha F.

How to Learn French, Rocha F.     

In this book you will learn everything about the French language as well as learn French for dummies, how to learn French for children, how to learn French in a year and in the future how to learn French.

How to Learn French, Rocha F.

What is FOS?
FOS stands for Français sur Objectifs Spécifiques. According to Carras et al. (2007), it is aimed at an audience that increasingly needs to acquire “cultural and language capital” with a “utilitarian purpose”, preparing it for “situations that it will face in university or professional life” (p. 07). According to Mangiante & Parpette (2004, p. 154), it differs from the “general Frenchman” because it presents a precise objective, a short period of training, it is centered on some situations and directed skills, contents often not mastered by the teacher , contacts with actors of the studied environment and material to be elaborated.

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