Advanced English C.A.E., Grammar Practice, Walton R., 1999.
Focus on Advanced English Grammar Practice provides additional practice to support the main grammar and vocabulary areas found in each of the 14 units of Focus on Advanced English.
Focus on Advanced English Grammar Practice can also be used as a freestanding workbook for students who wish to prepare for the Certificate in Advanced English examination.
This new edition reflects the changes to the new edition of Focus on Advanced English Students’ Book and to the modified Certificate in Advanced English examination.

Phrasal verbs.
Word order.
In some, but not all, of the sentences below the word order of the phrasal verbs and objects is wrong. Make any corrections that you think are necessary. See the example given.
1 If there are any words you don’t understand, look up them in your dictionaries.
2 Quick, I haven’t got a pen. Can you jot Jack’s phone number down for me?
3 You don’t have to give me an answer right away. Think over it and let me know tomorrow.
4 ‘Are you going to the party next Friday?’
‘Yes, I’m really looking forward to it.’
5 Could you look this article through and tell me what you think of it?
6 ‘I don’t think we’ll be able to play the match in all this rain.’
‘No, let’s put off it until tomorrow.’
7 ‘Mrs McCarthy, I’ve got your husband on the line.’ ‘OK. Put him through.’
8 It was such a good book I just couldn’t put down it.
9 Harry’s family always believed in his innocence and stood by him throughout the murder trial.
10 ‘I see you’re still smoking, Chris.’
‘Yes, but I’m really trying to give up it.’
1 Use Your Head.
2 Severe Weather.
3 Time Eaters.
4 Stress.
Progress Test One.
5 Globe Trotting.
6 Language Matters.
7 The Ages of Man.
8 Personally Speaking.
Progress Test Two.
9 Mind Your Manners.
10 State of the Union.
11 Last Chance to See.
Progress Test Three.
12 Living Dangerously.
13 Mind and Body.
14 Testing Times.
Progress Test Four.
Answer Key.
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