Rapid Review of English Grammar is not a text for beginners. Neither is it "intermediate" or "advanced." It is a remedial text, designed for students whose knowledge of English is extensive but imperfect when they come to the United States to study in our colleges and universities. It is intended mainly for students who need English as a tool, rather than for those who plan to specialize in the language or to teach it. In the 24 lessons, which can be mastered in one semester of intensive study, Rapid Review of English Grammar includes all of the inflectional forms, all of the basic word-order patterns of American-English sentences, and many of the more difficult uses of function words. The material is presented in the form of an integrated course. The first few lessons deal with the simplest, most basic statement and question patterns. In later lessons it is shown how these basic patterns are combined and/or rearranged to produce longer, more complex sentences which express relationships between ideas. Some of the more difficult aspects of the language, such as the use of the definite article, the choice of prepositions, idioms, and two-word verbs are introduced in the early lessons, explained in greater detail in later ones, and reviewed toward the end of the course. A complete index is included for those who do not need to study the course but wish to use the book as a reference grammar.

A paragraph is a sequence of sentences about one topic. One way to indicate a paragraph is to indent the first sentence. To indent means to start writing a few spaces to the right of the left-hand margin. There are five paragraphs on page one of this lesson. This is a paragraph. It is a sequence of six sentences about the topic of paragraphing, and the first sentence is indented.
Lesson I. Sentence Patterns with Present Forms of BE.
Lesson II. S-Forms and Uses of DO.
Lesson III. Ing-Forms and the Present Continuous; the Expletive THERE.
Lesson IV. Time, Place, and Frequency.
Lesson V. Countables and Uncountables: The Problem of Number.
Lesson VI. Four Ways to Express Future Activity.
Lesson VII. Patterns with Past Forms; WHILE and WHEN, AGO.
Lesson VIII. USED TO; HAVE TO; Impersonal IT.
Lesson IX. Compound Sentence Patterns; the Past Continuous: Tag Questions.
Lesson X. Two-Word Verbs; Indirect Address; Tense Sequence.
Lesson XI. The Modal Auxiliaries.
Lesson XII. Directions, Instructions, Suggestions; Order of Modifiers.
Lesson ХIII. The Uses of Infinitives.
Lesson XIV. Question and Answer Patterns with HOW.
Lesson XV. The Uses of Ing-Forms.
Lesson XVI. Forms and Patterns for Comparison.
Lesson XVII. Types and Uses of Dependent Clauses.
Lesson XVIII. The Causative Verbs; Cause and Result.
Lesson XIX. The Conditional: IF; WHETHER; UNLESS.
Lesson XX. The Passive Voice.
Lesson XXI. Patterns and Uses of the Present Perfect Tenses.
Lesson XXII. Patterns and Uses of the Past Perfect Tenses.
Lesson ХХIII. Patterns and Uses of the Future Perfect Tenses.
Lesson XXIV. Summary and Review.
Appendix I. Cumulative Review Drills.
Appendix II. Review Exercises for Writing.
Appendix III. Spelling Patterns.
Appendix IV. Summary of Rules for Punctuation.
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Теги: Praninskas :: 1959 :: английский язык
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