English Grammar Simplified is a complete reference guide for writing. Sections on grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage make this a comprehensive guide to writing correct and effective sentences and making appropriate word choices. A section on spelling offers both a list of commonly misspelled words and a selection of proven techniques for spelling improvement. “Beyond the Sentence" puts sentence writing into the larger context of paragraphs and also shows methods for outlining ideas before writing. “Documentation” serves as a concise reference to three widely used styles of documenting sources in research writing: MLA, APA, and Chicago.
The structure of English Grammar Simplified makes it extremely easy to use. The outline format, extensive cross-referencing, and comprehensive index make finding solutions to writing problems simple.
Concise explanations, an abundance of examples, and comprehensive coverage make English Grammar Simplified an easy-to-use guide to writing clearly and effectively.

Recognizing Phrases.
Being able to recognize phrases (and clauses) helps you avoid agreement errors, fragments, comma splices and fused sentences, and misplaced or dangling modifiers.
A phrase is a group of related words that is less than a sentence because it lacks a subject + verb. (Some phrases contain a part of a verb—a verbal.) A phrase usually functions as if it were a single word, noun, adjective, or adverb. For this reason it is important to think of and recognize phrases as units. There are two main kinds of phrases.
G-1 Sentence.
G-2 Parts of Speech.
G-3 Nouns.
G-4 Verbs.
G-5 Adjectives and Adverbs.
G-6 Pronouns.
G-7 Phrases.
G-8 Clauses.
G-9 Agreement.
G-10 Effective Sentences.
P-1 Comma.
P-2 Period.
Р-3 Question Mark.
P-4 Exclamation Point.
P-5 Semicolon.
P-6 Apostrophe.
P-7 Italics.
Р-8 Quotation Marks.
P-9 Colon.
Р-10 Dash.
Р-11 Parentheses.
P-12 Brackets.
Р-13 Hyphen.
M-1 Manuscript Form.
M-2 Capitalization.
M-3 Syllabication.
М-4 Numbers.
М-5 Abbreviations.
S-1 Techniques for Improvement.
S-2 180 Words Often Misspelled.
U Use the Right Word.
B-1 Paragraphing.
B-2 Outlining.
B-3 Documentation.
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