Деловой английский язык, Климова И.И., Широких А.Ю., Васьбиева Д.Г., 2019.
The textbook contains different types of tasks for reading, speaking and translation, as well as vocabulary, terminology and grammar exercises. The rapidly developing sphere of financial services dictates the necessity to know and to use financial terminology in order to communicate with foreign partners. The tasks may help develop different types of competencies, which include language, and compensatory competencies. The tasks enlarge the stock of lexical items used by students in their speech and develop critical thinking skills. The suggested pattern of focusing on speech exercises, which starts with merely learning particular terms, encourages students to use these terms in oral and written speech, develops communicative competency, which, in its turn, is vitally important for communication in different fields of professional and business situations. The book is aimed at students of Economics who study Business English. The textbook should also be of great interest to any specialists or professionals who want to improve their language skills.

Ethics in Finance.
The study of ethics and culture is a subjective discipline governed by religious beliefs and customs. Another point of view suggests that ethical behavior is supported by well-founded reasons.
The academic study of ethics in the business setting has only been around for approximately 40 years. The origins of the discipline are generally traced to Raymond Baumhart’s groundbreaking studies in the 1960s. The field's first academic conference was held in 1974.
The recent re-examination of ethics especially in respect of financial management can likely be traced to the 2001 Enron scandal. The passing of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was a direct result of this ethical crisis. The act made provisions for the formation of the Securities and Exchange Commission, which now oversees financial auditors in the US, implements penalties for fraud and places greater responsibility on the CFO for fraudulent activities.
The most effective way to ensure adherence to ethical principles and legal requirements is to consider the needs of all of the organization’s stakeholders, from employees and vendors to shareholders and CFOs, and attempt to balance those needs.
Managers should try to maximize value of the company. Does a focus on value mean that managers must act like greedy merchants? In most instances, there is little conflict between doing well and doing good.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Климова :: Широких :: Васьбиева
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