Английский язык, Peter Pan, Книга для чтения, 7 класс, Ваулина Ю.Е., 2010

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Английский язык, Peter Pan, Книга для чтения, 7 класс, Ваулина Ю.Е., 2010.

Книга для чтения "Питер Пэн" является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта серии "Английский в фокусе" для 7 классов общеобразовательных организаций. Книга для чтения состоит из двух частей. Первая часть - адаптация известной английской сказки. Вторая часть содержит задания и упражнения по прочитанному материалу, пьесу на английском языке для постановки учащимися в школе и словарь.

Английский язык, Peter Pan, Книга для чтения, 7 класс, Ваулина Ю.Е., 2010

Barrie wrote Peter Pan for the sons of his friends, Sylvia and Arthur Llewelyn Davies. The boys’ names were George, Jack, Peter, Michael and Nicholas. Barrie met the boys when he was walking his dog, Porthos, in Kensington Gardens. He became friends with the Llewelyn Davies family, and enjoyed spending time with the boys. He played games with them for hours, and often told them stories. One of these stories was about a character called Peter Pan. Peter Pan was a fairy tale, but there was also some truth in it. Like Peter Pan, Barrie was a boy who refused to grow up. The character's name comes from two sources: Peter Llewelyn Davies, and Pan, the naughty Greek god of the woodlands. Mr and Mrs Llewelyn-Davies died when their sons were still young, so Barrie looked after the boys. He loved all of them very much, and he hoped that the story of Peter Pan and the magical Neverland would help them recover from losing their parents. There are several plays, musicals and films based on the story of Peter Pan. It is so famous that there are statues of Peter Pan in England, Belgium, America, Canada and Australia.

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