Учебник английского языка, 6 класс, Старков А.П., Диксон Р.Р., 1977.
Фрагмент из книги:
1. The boy in the picture is going to play in the yard. 2. The boy is going to take off his jacket. 3. The boy is putting on his jacket. 4. He is going to put on his cap. 5. His mother is putting his cap on his head. 6. His mother is going to put his cap on his head. 7. She is going to open the door. 8. Her son is going to take the ball. 9. The boy is going to play football in the yard.

Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Are you sixteen or seventeen?
2. Are your eyes green or black?
3. Are you doing sums or reading an English text?
4. Is your name Sam or Robert?
5. Are you very tall or very short?
6. Are you a student or a worker?
7. Have you a cap or a hat on?
8. Are your parents very young or very old?
Прочитайте и допишите предложения так, чтобы получились вопросы.
Образец: There is gas in the house.— There is gas in the house, isn't there?
1. There is a balcony on the fourth floor.
2. There is no lift in the house.
3. There are curtains on the windows.
4. There are no electric lamps in the corridor.
5. There is a cupboard in the kitchen.
6. There is no refrigerator there.
Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме.
1. There is some paper in the desk.
2. There are some children in the playground.
3. There is some coffee in the cup.
4. There are some pairs of gloves in the box.
Lesson 1.
Text One. Meet Lena.
Text Two. Boris Stogov, Lena’s Brother.
Text Three. The Stogovs.
Everyday Phrases.
Short Conversations.
Mr. White.
Lesson 2.
Text One. Lena Tells Us About Her Family.
Text Two. The Stogovs at Home.
Text Three. A Conversation.
Everyday Phrases.
Short Conversations.
What Are You Going to Be?.
Happy Birthday.
An English Family.
English Schoolchildren.
Lesson 3.
Text One. The Stogovs’ Flat.
Text Two. The Stogovs in Their Living-Room.
Text Three. Lena Is Telling Her Friend Tamara About Her Flat.
Everyday Phrases.
Short Conversations.
Meeting a Friend.
Mr. White’s House.
The Whites’ Sitting-Room.
Lesson 4.
Text One. Getting Up in the Morning.
Text Two. Dinner.
Text Three. What the Stogovs Do in the Evening.
Text Four. Helping Mum.
Everyday Phrases.
Short Conversations.
Do You Know?.
Lesson 5.
Text One. Our School.
Text Two. At the English Lesson.
Text Three. School Subjects and Books.
Everyday Phrases.
Short Conversation.
Boris Describes His Classroom.
William White Tells Us About His School.
Lesson 6.
Text One. In Town.
Text Two. On the Tram.
Everyday Phrases.
Short Conversations.
About Traffic in England.
On a London Bus.
Lesson 7.
Text One. At the Pioneer Camp.
Text Two. Conversation Between Two Pioneers.
Everyday Phrases.
Lenin’s Birthday.
Lesson 8.
Text One. May Day.
Text Two. May Day in Our Town.
Text Three. Conversations on May Day.
Everyday Phrases.
Betty Bunter.
Short Conversations.
Irregular Verbs.
Word List.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Старков :: Диксон :: 6 класс
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