Учебник английского языка для I курса институтов и факультетов иностранных языков, Шевцова С.В., Брандукова М.А., 1973

Учебник английского языка для I курса институтов и факультетов иностранных языков, Шевцова С.В., Брандукова М.А., 1973.

Учебник состоит из 12 уроков, каждый из которых включает учебный текст, взятый из произведений лучших зарубежных авторов современности, комментарий к тексту, учебный словарь, лексико-грамматические упражнения на развитие устной и письменной речи. Книга богато иллюстрирована. В учебнике оригинально решается проблема комплексного обучения языку и развития практических навыков.
Предназначается для студентов I курса институтов и факультетов иностранных языков. Может быть использован всеми лицами, продолжающими изучение иностранного языка на базе знаний, полученных в школе.

Учебник английского языка для I курса институтов и факультетов иностранных языков, Шевцова С.В., Брандукова М.А., 1973

Lesson One.
Text: A Glimpse of London.
Grammar: to be, to have.
There is/are.
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.
Phonetics: Intonation of Simple Sentences.
Intonation Groups.
Sentence Stress. Weak Forms.
Phonetic Difficulties.

A Glimpse of London
London is the capital of Great Britain. The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Today London is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than eight million. London is situated on both sides of the Thames. There are fourteen bridges across the Thames.

Lesson One
Text: A Glimpse of London. Grammar: to be; to have; there is/аге. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Phonetics: Intonation of Simple sentences. Intonation groups. Sentence stress. Weak forms. Phonetic difficulties.
Lesson Two
Text: An Englishman’s Diary (by Stephanie Andrews). Grammar: The Indefinite Tense Forms (Present, Past and Future). Reported speech. Sequence of tenses. Phonetics: Intonation of compound sentences. logical stress. Shifting of sentence stress. Sentence stress and rhythm. Strong and weak forms of auxiliary verbs. Phonetic difficulties.
Lesson Three
Text: More about the English. Grammar: The Continuous Tense Forms (Present, Past and Future). Sequence of tenses (contd.). Degrees of comparison of adverbs. Phonetics: intonation of complex sentences with adverbial clause? of time and condition. Stress and rhythm. Strong and weak forms (contd.).
Lesson Four
Text: At Home (from “A Kind of Loving" by Stan Barstow). Grammar: The Perfect Tense Forms (Present, Past and Future). Sequence of tenses (contd.). Phonetics: Intonation of complex sentences with subordinate nominal clauses (object clauses). Stress and rhythm. Strong and weak forms of the auxiliary verb "to have”. Phonetic difficulties.
Lesson Five
Text: To Kill a Man (after Jack London). Grammar: Complex object. Adverbial clauses of time. Phonetics: Intonation of dialogue prose. Intonation of questions expressing a request to repeat a previously made statement. Stress and rhythm. Phonetic difficulties.
Lesson Six
Text: An Unfinished Story (from “A Writer’s Notebook” by W. S. Maugham). Grammar: Modal verbs. Can, Must, May and their equivalents. Phonetics: Intonation of complex sentences with attributive clauses. Stress and rhythm. The broken tune (accidental rise). Strong and weak forms of modal verbs. Phonetic difficulties.
Lesson Seven
Text: At the Art Dealer’s (from “Lust for Life” by Irving Stone). Grammar: The Passive voice (the Indefinite Tense forms). Phonetics: The rising tunes (low-rise, fall-rise). Stress and Rhythm. Phonetic difficulties.
Lesson Eight
Text: How Einstein Discovered the Law of Relativity (from Ch. Chaplin’s Autobiography). Grammar: The Passive voice (contd.) (The Perfect Tense forms. The Continuous Tense forms). Phonetics: The falling tune. Special use. Intonation of apposition.
Lesson Nine
Text: Letters from College. Grammar: The Perfect Continuous Tense forms. Phonetics: Intonation of Complex sentences with subject and predicative clauses. Intonation of parentheses.
Lesson Ten
Text: Joe Hill — the Man They Couldn't Kill (after “The Case of Joe Hill" by S. Foner).
Lesson Eleven
Text: A Meeting in the Night (from "How Long the Train's Been Gone” by James Baldwin). Grammar: The Infinitive. Syntactical functions. The Active and Passive forms.
Lesson Twelve
Text: Barney’s Maggie (by Walter Macken). Grammar: The modal verbs Should and Need. Link-verbs.
List of Phonetical Symbols and Tone Marks
Index to the Vocabulary Sections
Reference Vocabulary.

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