Английский язык, 9 класс, Английский с удовольствием, Enjoy English, рабочая тетрадь №1, Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Кларк О.И., Морозова А.Н., 2008

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Английский язык, 9 класс, Английский с удовольствием, Enjoy English, Рабочая тетрадь №1, Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Кларк О.И., Морозова А.Н., 2008.
  Read the text below and consider the following questions.
1 What are people referring to when they speak about culture?
2 How do people of different cultures begin to share the same interests?
3 What factors contribute to forming a global culture?
4 Should people stick to their own culture and reject everything else? Is it possible to stop the global culture from happening?

Английский язык, 9 класс, Английский с удовольствием, Enjoy English, Рабочая тетрадь №1, Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Кларк О.И., Морозова А.Н., 2008

Make up questions from the words.
1 often How does go to the gym your friend?
2 you Where did that  shirt buy?
3 ever been Have to a student camp you?
4 money you have How much do on you?
5 live Where relatives do your?
6 Have been abroad you ever?

What would you ask in the following situations? Make up any questions to get the necessary information.
1 You want to invite a boy / girl to see a film. You want to choose a film to his / her taste.
2 \bu are invited to a birthday party, but you don’t know when you are expected to come.
3 You need some information about the cafe “Silver Spoon'.'You are looking for a person who has visited that cafe.
4 Your neighbour speaks Spanish fluently. You want to know how long it may take to learn Spanish.
5 Your two friends don't speak to each other. You want to understand why.
6 Your friend is very quiet and upset. You want to know the reason.

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