Английский язык, Читаем научно-популярные тексты, Мясникова С.В., Уткина С.А., 2009

Английский язык, Читаем научно-популярные тексты, Мясникова С.В., Уткина С. А., 2009.

   Практикум по домашнему чтению «Английский язык: Читаем научно-популярные тексты» включает специально разработанные упражнения и задания, которые направлены на расширение и закрепление лексики, развитие навыков чтения и перевода аутентичных текстов, развитие навыков устной речи.
Практикум предназначен для студентов специальностей, изучающих английский язык углубленно.
Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов специальностей 350200 «Международные отношения» и 350300 (специализация 350305) «Регионоведение (США и Канады)».

Английский язык, Читаем научно-популярные тексты, Мясникова С.В., Уткина С.А., 2009

Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. He exhorted the workers to end the strike. 2. Marie decided not to move after all, but she neglected to inform the rental agency. 3. The youngster vanished without a trace one day and has never been found. 4. Lawyers charge such high fees, but they never seem short of clients. 5. The Museum has no admission charge. 6. When they demolished the church, a cave was discovered beneath it. 7. The first thing the soldiers did was to dismantle the enemy's surveillance equipment. 8. Crime has dropped since the video cameras were installed in the town centre. 9. Inspectors have the power to fine any passenger travelling without a ticket. 10. There is a shortage of people to carry out research. 11. She was detained in hospital with a suspected broken leg. 12. Rangoon's old buildings are crumbling from neglect. 13. The prisoners sat down together to draft a letter to the governor. 14. A sign saying 'No Fishing' had been nailed to the tree.

Explain what is meant by the following and translate into Russian:
1. The New York-based World Monuments Fund put the Great Wall on its list of the World's 100 Most Endangered Sites.
2. Poorly executed restoration efforts have left sections near the capital, Beijing, looking like a Hollywood set
3. "It was a wake-up call," said Lindesay, who's spent more than 1,200 days on the wall over the past 20 years.
4. Already the new law is showing its teeth, or at least its gums.
5. Also important, the law says that "all citizens, legal entities and organizations" are charged with protecting the wall and reporting illegal activity to government agencies.

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