ОГЭ 2015, английский язык, 9 класс, демонстрационный вариант, письменная часть

ОГЭ 2015, Английский язык, 9 класс, Демонстрационный вариант, Письменная часть.

What souvenirs has Kevin bought?
1) Pictures of the city.
2) Printed T-shirts.
3) Souvenir mugs.

ОГЭ 2015, Английский язык, 9 класс, Демонстрационный вариант, Письменная часть

Two people never see the same rainbow. Each person sees a different one. It
happens because the raindrops are constantly moving so the rainbow is always
changing too. Each time you see a rainbow it is unique and it will never be the
same! In addition, everyone sees colours differently according to the light and
how their eyes interpret it.

A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that is seen in the atmosphere. It appears
in the sky when the sun’s light is reflected by the raindrops. A rainbow always
appears during or immediately after showers when the sun is shining and the
air contains raindrops. As a result, a spectrum of colours is seen in the sky. It
takes the shape of a multicoloured arc.

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